Years ago, when cars still had steel bumpers instead of plastic and foam crap things, Bumper Stickers were very popular, and for those who had small children, one that said “Baby On Board” became a common sight on rear bumpers, to get people to keep a safe distance.

Soon we began seeing boards with baby dolls nailed to them, in rear windows. The inventive human mind is never one to pass up an opportunity, which naturally brings us to the subject of off-planet colonies.

Also years ago, the math was worked out for Lagrange Points. A Lagrange Point is simply the point of gravitational equilibrium between a planetary body and any other object that orbits it where the orbital speed pulling it away from the body equals the gravitational pull of that body. Centrifugal force versus gravitational pull, in other words.

I bring this matter up because an argument has begun over where our first off-planet colony should be, with some saying that neither the Moon nor Mars are good choices because they have little to no atmosphere or any magnetic field to protect us from deadly cosmic radiation and we’d have to live deep underground all the time.

But Saturn’s largest moon Titan, however, is is touted as the best choice because it has an atmosphere that only lacks oxygen to be breathable, (if you don’t mind 5% methane) at a pressure similar to ours, so it’s much more suitable. So they say. Of course, the temperature on Titan runs about -300 F, and it rains methane, the Sun is a dot in the sky, you would still have to live in massively protective shelters and to get oxygen from water you’d need jackhammers if you could find any because the water would be frozen harder than concrete. What fun, eh? I can see it now, a Disney theme park, McDonald’s Golden Arches, hordes of college kids for Spring Vacation. No? Oh.

Then there’s Lagrange Points. There’s an asteroid belt surrounding Earth that’s loaded with chunks of a planet that never formed, so while compounds may be scarce except for water, elements are abundant and the belt would provide almost limitless building and survival supplies for a colony a short distance away. Aluminum and hydrogen-rich materials, like water and some plastics, work well for space radiation shielding.

Being much closer to Earth than Mars is, mining the Belt from a Lagrange Point colony could be very profitable. How else would you get your supply of escargot and truffled eggs? Over time, the colony can become steadily larger until it resembles a small moon, it’s easy (for me, anyway) to envision “bubbles” of all sizes attached to the main body, air locks in between, surrounding it in layers, as it grows and grows, and each layer adds more protection for the ones inside it.

Moon colonies could provide the raw materials and launching points for Lagrange colonies, and possibly also for Mars, so they might come first.

Elon Musk currently has ten children and wants more, and encourages everyone to keep having lots of children while our planetary population surges to over a monstrous 8 billion people. He’s also the one intent on creating a Mars colony. So, how do you get people willing to go live on Mars? Easy. By making Earth so overpopulated it’s nearly uninhabitable. Oh Elon, you sneaky devil. He’s right, though, people will always migrate away from the less tolerable to the more tolerable. The grass is always greener…

And when lots of those Starships of his begin heading to Mars, no doubt at least a few will have a baby on board.

It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, NO, it’s a SCHOOLBUS

I mean, come on. First, it was just normal little drones. Then “SOME OF THEM ARE THE SIZE OF CARS!!!!!!”. Now they’re claiming they’re the size of school buses, those big, long, yellow, multi-windowed ones.

Reminds me of a Beatles song, “We all fly the night sky in a yellow school bus”. Well, sort of reminds, anyway. This is just getting stupid and it smacks of an effort to create National Paranoia.

Exactly the same way, EXACTLY, that the Covid scare started out. First there was this terrible awful disease spreading in China that OMIGOD I hope it doesn’t come here, even as the Chinese were paying tens of thousands of them to come here, and then Oh Shit We Have Covid Here, and Fauci and masks and social distancing and FEAR NOT, we are developing poison “vaccines” at lighting speed that won’t be tested first. And everyone ran out and got at least one shot of it.

No one’s buying another disease/vaccine panic, but this is an ALL NEW panic of a whole different kind. Something bad is up, and we’ll unfortunately know soon enough.


The latest theory is that the drones are equipped with radiation detectors and are trying to sniff out radioactive materials at or near military bases.

In other words, they’re looking for planted nuclear weapons. Atomic bombs.

I much prefer the National Happy Drone Owners Association idea of my own, that this is a prank that’s escalated across the country by people with drones. But the problem is, why fly them only at night, but all lit up with lights all over them? Since they’re so visible, why aren’t they being flown in the daytime too? In fact, preferably. That way they won’t bang into buildings.

But my thoughts wander to another possibility. Remember when there was that spate of phony anthrax scares and everyone was so freaked out about terrorist attacks that the Homeland Security Act that took away a bunch of our Constitutional rights was passed without a whimper? And that every single time there’s a bunch of people killed by a maniac with a semi-auto rifle, our gun rights get attacked?

This is a classic scenario as a run-up to some new thing the government wants to either impose on us or take away from us.

We’re being told that our government knows what’s happening and it’s totally harmless, they just don’t want us to know anything about it. That’s even scarier than if they said it was bad shit and it’s Top Secret. If it’s so harmless, then what’s the harm in telling us what’s going on? So ends Chapter 3 of the Drone Saga. Stay tuned.


I’ve been wondering what the details of the schism between those currently in power are, that are behind the change in direction of our government, and while this isn’t likely to be the biggest reason or the only one, it’s certainly one of them.

The only sense it made at all for Joe Biden to be made President was because he would do whatever he was told to do, and that’s certainly true, but it turns out there was another reason. He’s a crook. He aids and abets fraud.

It’s coming to light that he’s allowed a lot of people within various agencies to rob American taxpayers by approving false claims for goods and services and by siphoning off portions of funds paid out as aid to other nations including Ukraine, and of course he and his family are very likely getting a piece of each theft. It’s a Biden Mafia.

For most of the politicians in Congress, it must have been galling to watch this playing out, as much of this graft probably interfered with their goals as Globalists. This would sure help explain at least part of why Donald Trump was allowed to be president again, they need a face in there that represents honesty to go with their shift in direction.

Because of this I’m predicting a move away from the racial disharmony that’s been foisted on us by our government. We may start hearing less Anti-White rhetoric from the MSM and more anti-crime speeches, in harmony with a crackdown on drug cartels and a lot of illegal alien criminal deportations.

Our Globalist government doesn’t want to be seen as a criminal organization and Joe’s son Hunter and the criminal behavior of those two, taking advantage of their positions, must have made a lot of the Elite very unhappy. So of course they worked things out with Trump, to put a much better face on what goes on underneath it.

Nothing in government is ever what it appears to be. Don’t be a believer, don’t be a follower, and never take sides. Always watch with an open mind, never ever get sucked in.

Help, help, it’s DRONES!!!

This is hilarious. First, a few people start flying drones in the night sky, with lights on, and someone got upset about it and reported it, and the news services picked the story up and reported it.

So, of course, more drone owners joined in, putting lights on their drones and flying them at night. Some of them got creative and put long rods with LED’s on them that stuck way out, making the drones look bigger, and people started saying the drones were the size of cars.

Now, in New York and New Jersey, you can see hundreds of drones at night all over the place, flying around in totally random patterns, and people on the ground staring up at them are all going “Wow, what is it”? like a bunch of idiots and our government is acting like they’re trying to cover up something they’re doing. All the drone owners are joining in the fun, there’s drone clubs that are probably organizing night flights now, it’s become a fad.

It is perfectly legal to fly a drone at night as long as it has lights on it so aircraft can see and avoid it. The drones are usually flown no higher than 200 feet, so they’re easily seen at night, and they’re loud, no one mistakes them for a UFO. The clowns flying them can switch off the lights remotely, so when someone aims a strong flashlight at them, they turn off the lights and freak people out even more.

We Americans know how to have fun. 🙂


As I’ve previously explained, there’s been a power shift within our Uniparty on how best to do things. Up until now, the main effort has been to homogenize society, to tear down our traditions, disrupt everything so it can all be rebuilt on the Globalist model. This is why we had riots, Black Lives Matter riots, a wave of police murders, the Occupy riots, Antifa riots, tearing down Confederate soldier statues, the attacks on all our historic monuments and institutions.

This is why our borders were thrown wide open and millions of people let in, many of them violent criminals, who have no interest in becoming like us, and are here only because it’s better than where they’re from. They bring their poverty and crime with them and increase ours, helping to tear down our society’s values.

Now the Globalist goal here of remaking our society has been accomplished, and we’ve become as mixed as Europe, all Europe, East and West both. The Asian nations also are undergoing the same changes. So are the African nations. Australia was thoroughly mixed a long time ago.

It’s not about US borders. It’s about leveling things off now that the job is done, and the first part is getting rid of all the criminals. The idea was never to make the US or any of the other nations into lawless states of anarchy, just to remake social values, to get the people ready for less freedom.

No one is actually saying that they’re going to kick all the illegals back out, and it can’t be done anyway. But the criminals can be removed.

If all the cartel criminals are shoved back into Mexico and we block them from bringing in drugs, what happens? It will be chaos in Mexico when the money stops coming in and the government will have no choice except to fight them or die. The Globalists do NOT want drug cartels to exist, or any form of crime family or criminal organization. The Globalists want to end crime, just as they want to end war. The criminals were allowed into the US only because they aided in Globalist goals. Now they have to go.

This is what borders are for, now. To manipulate bordering states into becoming all one big state, with no borders between us. But before Mexico can join us, they have to be cleaned up and that’s a big job.

Trump is talking about Canada being our “51st state”. What if that happened? Mexico could become the 52nd. Then what about the little Latin America countries? South America joining with North America to become one big partnership that’s joined at the hip with the EU?

It’s not about our borders, it’s about No Borders.


First, about Globalism. Globalists ultimate goal is a One-World Government. That means no more national boundaries. No national borders. The end of nations. A government of Earth. Globalism is a Good Thing that can save humanity and it’s the natural evolution from tribes to kingdoms to city-states to nations, to finally, a single united government.

Their other goals are an end to wars, pollution, species extinctions, the exhaustion of natural resources, forest and habitat destruction, hunger and poverty, and reducing the human population.

Donald Trump is in favor of all these goals. All of them. He wasn’t, in his first term, he was fully a Nationalist, he was all about America, Make America Great Again, he wasn’t looking at the whole picture, that we’re about to destroy everything with the combination of technology and war, that we need to end wars, and the only way to do it is to stop being a race of separate nations competing with each other.

But he was in favor of all the other goals. He’s in favor of depopulation. My proof of this is that he promoted Dr. Fauci and The Jab, and even after it became obvious that The Jab was killing people, and even after he left office, he continued to promote it for another three months. He’s a genius and he was THE PRESIDENT. There is no excuse that “he didn’t know”.

Our government no longer has two parties, except in name. They work together and are united in purpose and only speak as if they didn’t, complaining each about the other, voicing blame toward each other, but actually doing everything together. They control who holds office, including who is President.

The media is owned by the Globalists, and they are no longer attacking Donald Trump. Congress is no longer attacking Donald Trump. The Dept. of Justice is no longer attacking Donald Trump. The New York Attorney General and the New York judges are no longer attacking Donald Trump. Why is that?

As I reported before, there was a power struggle within Globalism over policy and the moderates have clearly won out, which is plainly evidenced by the fact that Trump has been accepted as the face of government not only by Congress but by the Mass Media. That’s why.

BECAUSE… he’s now fully on board with the Globalist agenda. If he veers away from it, he’ll be blocked, and if he loses his head and starts thinking he’s the Big Boss again instead of keeping to the script, don’t expect him to be President any more, even if he lives. He’s President right now because he unites the people behind him and they’ll do what he says, just as they all ran out and got injected with poison the last time he was President.

Trump tells us the oil pipelines will be finished and drilling will start again, that he’s increasing tariffs on China and has threatened Canada and Mexico with big tariffs. This isn’t about MAGA, it’s about bringing down China’s economy and block them from achieving a totalitarian global government, and forcing Mexico and Canada to fall in line. Recently Trump referred to Canada as the 51st state, and I don’t think he was joking in the sense that the plan is to make Canada subservient to the growing Globalist government. It won’t be hard to do, it’s nearly there now, only the self-appointed dictator, Trudeau, stands in the way.

It’s time Mexico was also tamed. Mexico is a nest of murderous vipers and needs Globalism. Trump said “We’re subsidizing Canada to the tune of over $100 billion a year. We’re subsidizing Mexico for almost $300 billion. We shouldn’t be – why are we subsidizing these countries? If we’re going to subsidize them, let them become a state”.

THIS IS A REAL CNN HEADLINE, WITH A REAL CNN POLL. From hating trump and spewing constant vicious lies, all of a sudden THEY LOVE TRUMP, even their B.S. polls now laud him and approve of him, and these people are GLOBALISTS.

This is all being done right in front of our eyes, right in our faces, and either you see it or you turn away and refuse to look. Whichever you do doesn’t matter because this is Globalism, Trump is a Globalist, and that’s just the way it is, and I’m glad he is.


Obtuse. A kind and gentle word for Stupid.

Most of us do most things pretty much right, which is why we see these videos pop up of people doing really stupid things. Because those people are in the minority, they get our attention. The rest of us look at their stupid behavior that often gets them killed and are amazed and entertained by their last moments of existence.

“Proving Darwin right” has become a meme because of these idiots among us who don’t think before they act. Like the motorcyclist who decided to ride around a big boulder on the cliff side of a mountain instead of the safe side and promptly fell to his death, but not without some very dramatic bounces on the way down.

So to honor and celebrate these morons with their very own day, I hereby proclaim the Second Tuesday in December to be OBTUESDAY. Party on, you stupid people, today is your day.