Elon Musk pointed out what most people already know, that leaving our southern border wide open and allowing millions of the world’s poorest and least educated people to flood into the country, increases the number of Democrat voters. He also said this will eventually give them a large majority that will ensure that only Democrats get elected to office.

In the first place, it’s a Uni-Party now. Millions more Democrat voters aren’t needed, right now they can put anyone into office they want at any election by controlling the voting machines. That’s how Biden was given the presidency.

The real purpose of letting all those people come in is to cause chaos. The worlds criminals are coming here. It’s actually getting safer in Venezuela because their criminals are pouring into the US, and making our country less safe. Creating anarchy just makes it easier for dictators to take over. When the public is in enough distress they welcome the militant crackdowns and the takeover of government forces to restore order.


USA “Credit card debt increased by $50 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023. Americans’ credit card balances climbed to a new record high $1.13 trillion, according to data released Tuesday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.”

Record-breaking global debt levels increased to a staggering $313 trillion in 2023. This isn’t Credit Card debt, it’s nations debts, national debts. The national debt of the USA is now at $34.33 Trillion and rising.

Increasing credit card debt does two things. The monthly payments increase for individuals, which reduces their usable income, which forces them to buy more on credit, increasing their debt. Rinse and repeat.

The other thing is that eventually the borrowers are forced to default on their debt and this is one of the causes of the bank failures going on now.

National debts for governments to print more money, and this increases global inflation. As prices rise, less income is available to buy food, clothing and shelter. All the Global and Personal debt of the world is increasing. Everyone is taking away a lot more than they’re giving back.

The attacks by the Houthis in Yemen have stopped shipping on the Suez Canal, the Russian attack on Ukraine has stopped grain production in Ukraine, the drought last summer was the reason given for the destruction of most of the cattle in America’s herds and over the past 3 years many of the chicken farms and food processing plants in the USA have exploded and then burned. The USA has been the food breadbasket of the world. Now that’s ended.

War is spreading in the Middle East as Israel responds to attacks from bordering nations, the USA is growing closer to a war with Iran while China is getting closer to war with Taiwan and other neighbors. France is now sending troops to fight the Russians in Ukraine and Ukraine may soon be a part of NATO, which will bring the rest of the NATO nations into the battle. Others may follow France in soon whether Ukraine is in NATO yet or not.

“World health leaders warn of a pandemic 20 times worse than COVID. Without preparedness, the WHO warned, a pandemic from Disease X could cause much more damage than COVID, which has killed more than 7 million worldwide.Jan 24, 2024.”

Poverty, famine, war, disease, it’s all building up to a peak collapse. You are watching THE GREAT RESET getting ready to happen that the Globalists have openly spoken of.

The Great Reset is the radical reduction of Earth’s population to 500 million people and the establishment of a global government. The more we progress toward it, the easier it is to see how it’s being done.


If I were an alien race, why would I be hanging out around Earth?

First we need to accept some givens, such as they’ve been here for thousands of years according to a lot of archaeological evidence, there is more than one alien race, and they’ve fought some battles between them while here. On this, there’s clear evidence in Egypt and written accounts in India.

Whatever their differences and reasons for them, they were apparently settled thousands of years ago, at least on this planet.

Today, there’s a wide variety of craft seen that vary in size from small 30 foot or so discs to massive craft miles in diameter, mostly circular or triangular in shape. Multiple witness sightings of alien beings describe some as over 8 feet tall with very long limbs, others varying in height from 5 feet to about 3 feet, many with very large black eyes, clothing often described as black and skin tight, like a scuba wet suit.

While there’s no accurate count available, thousands of people all over the world have claimed to have been “abducted” by aliens and subjected to a variety of bizarre, intrusive medical tests and many of these people have supporting proof and evidence, enough that professional psychologists and psychiatrists are now taking this very seriously.

Most governments are in denial of the existence of alien peoples, hide evidence and make up false stories to hide the truth, and this has become so blatantly obvious that few even listen to them anymore. The majority of humanity now accepts that we are not alone.

Those are the givens. The question is, what are they doing here? I think it’s a fair assumption that they are basically like humans, since all life survives and evolves by consuming other life. All life is predatory by nature, so the fact that we don’t look like them is a clue.

Intelligence and curiosity go together, which is why tourism is such a big industry with us, so it probably is with them, too. We travel to foreign nations to see their sights and how they live, and space-faring races would do the same. As a technologically emerging race, we may be very interesting to watch.

Then there’s natural resources. An ancient race would have used up most of theirs on their planet millennia ago, while Earth still has lots of good stuff in the ground. Our planet was formed from the gas of a supernova, which is why we have a lot of one of the rarest elements in the Universe, which is Gold, and why, as I’ve said before, it’s been called the Metal of the Gods by ancient races all over the planet. That name should tell you something.

So, okay, tourism and resource extraction. Why the exams on the abductees? What would we be looking for if we were here for thousands of years? We’d be looking for specific changes in humans over time, changes that we may be responsible for. DNA changes, for instance. What if someone had a cancer or other condition that mimicked an alien problem and they were treating us for it the same we treat lab animals, to see if it would work for them? What if they’re simply trying to push us in some preferred evolutionary direction? Any and all of this is possible.

If I was going to be on this alien planet for the very long term, I’d want to have members of my race able to mix with the residents who looked and sounded like them, in positions of authority, so they could help me carry out whatever my purposes were, so crossbreeding through DNA manipulation might have happened. This could have been a point of contention with a few of these different races at one time and which might have resulted in the aerial battles described in ancient Sanskrit in India. People always fight over who’s in charge.

The many observations of alien craft entering the ocean indicate that there’s at least one large underwater base. While it’s been suggested that this a great place to hide, why would they want to hide? They could just hang out in space and look like an asteroid. But our ocean happens to be full of gold. We just haven’t developed an economical way to extract it from the water. I bet they have, so they leave our gold mines alone now and get all they need from our water. Maybe?

Meanwhile, our rise in technology has made us a lot more dangerous and they may not want to see the Earth in a global nuclear war. They have investments here. Which would justify having aliens who look like humans in charge where it matters most. Plus our expanding numbers are causing another global mass extinction that will end up killing off most of us along with most other life, as well if we don’t reverse population growth and start letting the Earth heal itself and let a lot of land return to Nature. We MUST reverse the pressure we’re putting on the planet to support our numbers.

There’s a truly massive presence of alien craft in our skies and possibly in our oceans, and it’s increasing according to those who keep track of all this. At the same time, our world is undergoing a political transformation from a bunch of competing nations to a global government, with all the hazards and grave dangers that implies. Is it a coincidence?


Google’s motto in it’s early days was “Do no evil”, and that’s because a massive search engine would obviously have the ability to do much evil by blocking certain websites and content while promoting others. Which is exactly what Google does now.

But wait, there’s more… Google’s new Gemini artificial intelligence app is totally Woke and Racist, as people have found out when trying to get it to generate a picture of a white person. They get back messages telling them how racist and harmful it is to specify a specific race, but only if they specify a White race. If they ask for a picture of a Negro family, they get pictures of Negros, and if they ask for pictures of “happy families” or “successful people” or “a group of dancers” or WHATEVER, they get, wait for it, here it comes, yes, they get NEGROES. Same with Hispanics, ask for Hispanic and no problem, you get Hispanic. Only Whites are not allowed.

The only way to get a picture of a White person is to ask for one by their name. A Hollywood star or famous politician or whoever, then they get someone with a white face.

White people built this world, built modern society for whatever that’s worth, and created most of civilization. The brown people and black people mostly stayed in forests and jungles and some built civilizations, but TECHNOLOGY, that which has advanced civilization, came almost entirely from White people. That’s not racist, it’s historic fact and the effort now to get rid of White people is not going to help advance humanity a bit. It’s doing the opposite, it’s bringing us all down as a species.


“The Biden administration has plowed almost $700,000 to support the creation of a national pregnancy prevention program for transgender (FAKE) boys..”

The program will utilize a text-messaging program designed for “cisgender (REAL) sexual minority (NEGRO AND HISPANIC ONLY) girls” aged between 14-18 to “address social and structural influences of sexual behavior” in “trans” males, the grant’s description says.

A description for the grant says transgender boys “may be less likely to use condoms when having sex with people who have penises and are at least as likely as cisgender girls to be pregnant.”

INTERPRETED, this mean: Our Genius Leaders have taken $700,000 of our tax money and given it away to some anonymous “charity” to study how to keep Negro and Hispanic girls pretending to be boys from getting pregnant by real boys. White kids don’t matter here, I guess.

OH GOD FORBID that girls who decide they’d rather be boys and go ahead and have sex with boys anyway, should get pregnant. I mean, what does that say about being Trans?

It says that it’s BULLSHIT and every time some so-called “Trans”-boy (girl) gets pregnant, it just makes all this trans shit look stupider, and since white girl-boys aren’t included in this, is that because white girls are smarter? Because that’s what you’re saying here and I would agree, even though you still have to be intensely stupid to want to mutilate your body.


A new article in the Jerusalem Post discusses the possibility that Yahya Sinwar, the top Hamas terrorist in Israel, may have escaped into Egypt through a tunnel, taking some of the hostages with him.

None of the surrounding mooslime nations want to harbor Hamas people because they’re such troublemakers. Egypt doesn’t want them, Hamas will bring them nothing but grief because they’ll try to take over the country.

Right now Egypt is preparing a large area outside their side of the city of Rafah for refugees from there to go to when Israel attacks Rafah to kill off the Hamas terrorists infesting it. Israel announced today that unless the hostages are released by then, they will attack Rafah on March 10, which is the beginning of Ramadan, the mooslime month of fasting and of course, very holy to mooslimes but not to anyone else, anywhere else, ever, because Islam is shit. I just had to point that out. Other religions are shit as well, of course. Islam happens to be the shittiest.

Having their sacred month ruined by the Jews might be enough to make them let their hostages go, but I doubt it. A few might be released, though. Hamas is not what it was when the war began and it’s fragmented, different groups holding various hostages and not in communication with each other.

What my hunch is, is that I have a feeling that Egypt might just give up Yahya to Israel in exchange for some concessions regarding what Israel does in attacking Rafah, or regarding the impending refugee situation.

Egypt is between a rock and a hard place right now over this war because the Houthi mooslimes in Yemen have been attacking the ships that traverse the Suez Canal, which is a MAJOR SOURCE OF INCOME for money-poor Egypt, and they say they won’t stop until the war ends. Shipping on the Canal is down by 50%, and so are the fees that Egypt collects from ships that use it. This is killing Egypt, it’s a primary source of revenue.

So you see what I’m getting at. Yahya Sinwar would actually be a real prize if the Egyptians got hold of him to trade to the Israelis. They’d just have to do it in a way that didn’t make enemies with the OPEC mooslimes. Israel getting Yahya would do a lot to shorten the war.

The beat goes on, as the song says. It’s fun to watch, really, as the Israelis finally do something to end the constant attacks from the vipers in their midst.


Elon is a big fan of overpopulation. Why he wants to see more pollution and destruction of the Earth, more extinctions and loss of rain forests and habitat generally, less fish in the ocean with more plastic in their bodies that we end up eating, I can’t figure out.

Really. This guy is a great mystery to me when it comes to this weird behavior. It’s like he already lives on Mars and wants his colony to expand.

The whole reason Globalists have become so powerful is because overpopulation is destroying the world’s environment and turning it into a paved disaster. They want to reduce our population back to reasonable levels and keep it there, but Elon wants the opposite and says that there’s room for billions more people.

Where? Where is there room for billions more? When we don’t have room now for the people we have? If there’s so much room, why are they sleeping on sidewalks and under highway overpasses instead of in decent homes?

I don’t think this is a good person to take advice from. When it comes to business, he’s a creative genius, but I wouldn’t trust him to manage our biosphere.


There’s a growing effort, not just in the West but generally in the United Nations to declare the West Bank and Gaza Strip to be jointly a Palestinian State. It looks like most of the world is out to destroy Israel.

Very few national leaders have spoken out against the invasion into Israel of Hamas and the extreme brutality against innocent civilians, women, children, and babies. Instead, Israel keeps getting criticized for retaliating, for fighting back.

The USA slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis over a false claim of Weapons of Mass Destruction that Saddam did not have, as a response to the attack by Saudi Arabia on our Twin Towers, and no one criticizes us for this. Then we turn around and criticize Israel for fighting back against their attackers. Why? Because the Israelis are Jews and the Muslims don’t want them there, and we want to keep the Muslims happy.

Value judgements don’t matter here but the hypocrisy does. Israelis are sounding like they’ve bent over and put up with it about as long as they’re going to, and now they’re disobeying those in the US who consider themselves their masters, and responding in an unexpected way.

There is a call out now by the Israeli government for something uniquely Jewish, called Aliyah. Aliyah is the returning to the Jewish homeland, it’s in their prophecies going back to when they fled Egypt thousands of years ago. Israel is calling for Aliyah across the globe. Come home to Israel. If a grandmother was Jewish, you are qualified for citizenship, they want to bring in millions of people as fast as possible, they’ll give them free homes and all sorts of assistance getting established.

And Jews worldwide are responding, and pouring into Israel.

Does that sound like they’re going to keep bending over? Or does it sound like they’re ready to stand up and roar? And what will be the reaction of all their enemies to this? I keep saying, Israel has nukes, their enemies don’t.

This is going to be such an interesting year.


Just read where some New York judge slammed Donald Trump with a $350 Million fine and forbid him and anyone in his family from running or helping to run any Trump business for the next 3 years. Now he has to put up his real estate as a bond while he appeals this.

Then there’s the crazy lady lawsuit that’s on appeal, where some New York madwoman claimed he sexually assaulted her many years ago and a judge awarded her, I forget how much, well over $50 million when she had no witnesses and is factually nuts.

New York is out to get him, that’s where some of the top WEF Globalists are, and where Trump and Company have most of their investments, so YEAH, of course that’s where he’s getting hammered.

I saw this coming from miles away and I’m hardly alone. Many of us were telling him to take his fortune and buy an island somewhere, far away from here, and enjoy life, because IT’S OVER. A blind, deaf idiot with a harelip and palsy could see how easily the whole of Congress united against him to take away his election win and give it to that POS Joe Biden. So what does he do? He goes balls out to become President again.

The people aren’t against him, most are for him, but that means nothing. The government is against him, all of it is against him, and that means everything. They’re going to beat on him with the court system and the Department of Justice and lies and false accusations and SWAT Team invasions and attacks on his family and fees, fines, impoundments and confiscations until he has nothing left of his money and his health.

I don’t know if they’ll succeed or not but they’re sure hammering the hell out of him, trying. Well, it’s his decision. Maybe he knows something I don’t, he probably does, I suppose, or he wouldn’t be doing this, right? I mean, that’s right, isn’t it?


Tucker Carlson, fired from Fox News for telling too much truth, is in Russia right now, hanging around after interviewing Pres. Putin, who lied his ass off in response to many of Tucker’s questions.

Tucker went to a big store that looks exactly like a Super Walmart and filled a cart with groceries that he took through a check-out and paid for. He had Americans guess at the cost. The average guess was about $400 and the actual cost was a little over $100 in dollars, and Tucker pointed out that we have been LIED TO about all the damage our sanctions are doing to the Russian economy.

It’s also LIES that food prices are up globally because obviously, they aren’t in Russia, which means they aren’t in any of the other non-Western nations. It’s only in the Western nations that farmers are engaged in massive protests right now in their governments efforts to shut them down.

The supporters of terrorism in the Middle East continue to spew ridiculous LIES, they lie every time their lips move, our leaders in the USA do exactly the same, the lie continues that they didn’t steal the election and the lie continues that Trump conspired to do so, instead, and he’s actually being prosecuted for trying to.

I see little Armenia and Azerbaijan are about to go to war again over some disputed acreage and I have to ask, why don’t these wise and noble leaders just ask the people which country they want to live in and divide the place up that way? Instead of LYING about some fictitious need to “retake what is historically theirs”?

These two aren’t the only ones, wars are starting up all over. How long before they all grow into one big war?

The Pandemic was a lie, the “vaccine” is a lie, the lockdowns, the masks, all LIES. Wars are lies, the Ukraine war was a setup, the war with Hamas was a setup, nobody tells the truth where it matters. I do, but I don’t matter. I’m not the head of some fractious, squabbling nation, like Turkey, where that fuckhead Erdogan is doing his very best to cause as many problems for as many others as he possibly can, which is exactly why my government and him are such good friends. Talk about a pack of LIARS all in bed with each other.

I don’t get upset about this stuff anymore, I just comment about it on this blog. The world has millions of years to be around yet and we probably don’t.

But I did get mine from Turkey while the getting was good. I’m a lapidarist. I cut semi-precious stones, it’s been a hobby of mine since I was young, and four years ago I bought a big pile of pseudomorphic agate from a miner in Ankara, called Stick Agate. It’s highly rated and is among the most beautiful forms of agate Nature offers. I’ll post a few pics of it sometime.