The rich get a lot richer when there’s a lot more people buying whatever they’re selling, so GROWTH has always been promoted by them. Cities were only successful if they GREW, if the population expanded. This is why there’s too many people now causing massive problems and the overflow is sleeping in tents on all the city’s sidewalks and crime is going insane because there’s no work for all these excess people and they need to eat like everyone else.

When a nation’s population expands, they start looking for more land to put the people, which means they’re looking at their neighbors land that the neighbor wants to keep, so they make war against them to steal it. Like Russia in Ukraine now, and in Poland, etc, before.

Then there’s Islam, convincing it’s adherents to make everyone else either a believer or dead, and all those believers sitting on top of all that oil decided to pay their way into a totally Islamic world. They bribed USA politicians to force Israel into partitioning off two areas of Israel to become Islamic states within Israel, with the purpose of destroying Israel from within. They underestimated the Jews and now this is expanding into a war that may involve all the Middle East and go beyond into northern Africa.

The Very Rich don’t want the world destroyed in war now that there’s so many nations with nuclear weapons, and they know that the overpopulation they caused is the root problem, so they’re setting plans in motion to reduce the population and consolidate all the nations into one government. To do this they caused a fake global pandemic that was actually only influenza, became richer selling a poison “vaccine” for it that is steadily killing off more people over time and that caused havoc in the global system of distribution of goods and food.

This caused a scarcity of food and products, generating buyer competition which has increased prices. The poorest nations are suffering most from this, resulting in massive migrations out of the poor nations and into the more affluent ones. This has resulted in increasing crime and unemployment in the more affluent nations, bringing them steadily down closer to the conditions in the nations the migrants left, because the affluent nations were also hard hit by the pandemic lock-downs.

China, one of the most affluent nations, is not allowing migrants in, because their population is overflowing of itself and they are dependent on much of their food from other nations, which now are shutting down exports because they need their food production for themselves. As inflation keeps increasing and the migrations continue, general poverty also increases and global commerce, already screwed up with all the shipping problems, slows down more and China sells less products and has less money to buy food that is getting harder to buy.

Right now, Russia is propping up China because of the military pact they made, and China is getting all of Russia’s excess oil and wheat, but with China’s income diminishing, poverty will increase there and Russia is incapable of feeding all their 1.5 billion people.

There is no greater cause of war than having too many people and no place to put them. So they’re put into uniforms and given rifles and told to go kill “The Enemy”, which is either another country with too many people, or another country with lots of goodies that are coveted. Look at the war in Ukraine. Russia’s sent at least 200,000 young men to their deaths there. Nothing has been gained. Ukraine has also lost a significant portion of their population and the USA has financed much of the destruction. When China gets desperate for food, which will be soon, they will want all of Russia’s wheat, not just the part the Russians won’t need. Right now they’re helping Russia with weapons, to fight Ukraine. Ukraine has big wheat fields, they’re a major global source. This is why the USA is financing the war, to keep China from getting that wheat.

When China gets too low on food and too many are going hungry, to keep them from revolting against the communist regime, they’ll be put into uniform and sent to war. War with some of their Asian neighbors, who don’t have nuclear weapons, could take a long time and kill a lot of people. In this way, China will most likely expand their chunk of global hegemony and the West will side with their enemies against China to prevent this.

The World Government effort by the West is fighting the same effort by the East, primarily China and Russia. The West, North America, Western Europe, Australia, much of Latin and South America, has a similar model to global governing as the Chinese, but wants to be the ones on top.

This is where we are today. All the LGBTQ and “trans” insanity is just to help wreck social customs and mores and distract us from world events.

China wants to take over Taiwan because that’s where the world’s most advanced microchips are made and doing so would give them more power and control over the rest of the world. This technology is being developed in the West now to make Taiwan unnecessary, which means that Taiwan will finally be attacked by China when the West no longer needs to defend it. This is also a good proof that the West Globalists have no desire to share the world government with China.

Another Pandemic is being threatened now by the WEF and the WHO, called Disease X, meaning that they don’t know what it is but watch out because it’s on the way. Included in the threat is that X will be much more virulent and fatal than the influenza, aka “Covid 19”. Just a guess here but if I was behind this stuff, I’d make it a disease that attacks the immune system, since 3/4 of humanity has already had the shot that harms immune systems. This way a few billion might die from it. The whole point of jabbing people with something that attacks the immune system is that then they die of all sorts of different things and it’s hard to blame the “vaccine”.

To sum up, two major forces are at work that are causing everything to go to shit. One is the conflict between the Eastern Bloc and the Western Bloc for global domination. The other is the Muslim effort to dominate, and in the midst of all this are different powerful people with their own agendas, making a confusing mess for the rest of us. It’s at least two wars within a war.