Five days ago our Supreme Court decided unanimously that anyone who was discriminated against because of DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices of businesses, has a right to sue their employer. This sucks all the power out of businesses and institutions seeking to impose racist, arbitrary and unfair practices on their employees. Now, a white person who’s fired and replaced with a black person can sue for damages.

Then today the Supreme Court dismissed the Arizona Election Integrity Case without comment when the evidence is overwhelming that the Dominion voting machines were compromised and manipulated, that the voting machines lacked reliability and thus should not be authorized for use.

Our Supreme Court decided against the DEI policies that are designed to harm white people, which is a push back against the Left, and then refused to even look at the reality of Election Theft by the Left.

So, One, the Supreme Court is now owned by the Left, and Two, DEI isn’t as popular with the Left, the Ruling Left, as it has appeared. Which tells me that the various factions of our government aren’t all in tune with each other, or controlled by one top group. There’s still mavericks running their own games.

All this, of itself, isn’t particularly major, but what it does do is illuminate an area of changes going on in government that no one else is pointing out.


  1. unanimously!!!


    Therefore, EVEN THAT JUSTICES INDICATED BY OBAMA AND BIDEN VOTED AGAINST SOME ABSURDITIES such banning Donald Trump off the Primary Elections!

    “Which tells me that the various factions of our government aren’t all in tune with each other, or controlled by one top group. There’s still mavericks running their own games.”


    interesting findings…

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