Some time ago, Los Angeles County approved plans to build a new Smart City. The SmartLA 2028 initiative originated from the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) Smart City Committee, which was formed in 2019.

Two months ago, Los Angeles County took the 117 million gallon water reservoir that protected Pacific Palisades out of service for “maintenance”, and it was empty when the fire broke out.

Two months ago, Los Angeles County home insurers stopped providing fire insurance.

Seven months ago the mayor of Los Angeles cut the Fire Department budget by $17.5 Million. Now hundreds of fire trucks, ambulances and repair and supply vehicles are parked in a repair yard instead of being in service because there’s no money to repair them.

Now lots of land has been cleared by fire, lots of land to build a Smart City on.

Every time a big fire breaks out, the loony arsonists come out from under their rocks and add to the chaos by starting more fires. They can be counted on to do this, I’ve seen it for myself, living in an area that suffers from frequent brush fires.

If you want to clear out a large and aging populated area so it can be rebuilt into a new, ultra modern city, nothing works better or faster than fire, and many of those homes and commercial buildings were built a full century ago.

Then there’s the vast fortunes to be made with new construction and the much higher taxes that will be levied on the expensive new homes. California has a law that a home can’t be taxed more than 1% of the purchase price, until it is sold again. Brand new homes will create a new and higher tax base.

There does come a time to stop saying “Conspiracy theory” and accept the conspiracy as a fact.


Watching the fires burning down from the Hollywood Hills all the way down to the ocean, burning down everything ever built, on the hills, in the valleys, miles and miles of forested land that used to be home only to forest animals, now is home to nothing.

The reason is that people cut down areas of forest to build houses. Hundreds of thousands of people, in hundreds of thousands of houses, on hundreds of thousands of acres, on every flat spot they could find or create with an earth mover.

Then they complained when mountain lions and coyotes ate their pet dogs and cats and bears invaded their homes and ripped up their garbage cans and gardens, seeking the food that used to grow where those houses now stand. Now there’s no bears, mountain lions or coyotes, many of the pets have burned to death and the gardens are gone with the houses. But look on the bright side, there’s no wild animals to complain about anymore.

These people all wanted to live surrounded by the beauty of nature, so they ripped out big holes in those natural surroundings to stick their houses into, and left all the trees and brush standing on the sharp ridge peaks and places they couldn’t built on, and then high winds came along which tore down the power lines to their expensive homes, and those sent arcs of electricity into the ground, and set fire to the dry grass and brush.

Now the beauty of nature is gone along with the homes and power lines and everything else.

This is the result of greed, ignorance, stupidity, laziness, corruption, trust in authority, incompetence…. everything that makes city living and human governance a disaster no matter where on Earth it is.

Humans are stupid. They breed without thought to the consequences. Then they build where they could never live if they were dependent for their survival on the bounty of nature. Then they sob and lament when fires, floods, landslides, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis destroy their homes and wipe out their populations, even as they decry the loss of another animal species through extinction at the hand of man.

Yeah, I’m one of those people. I don’t like my species very much because unlike most of them, I’m intelligent enough to realize just how bad we are at taking care of our planet. We don’t take care of our planet. We try, we give it lip service, Save The Whales, Save The Baby Harp Seals, we document the massive amount of plastic trash in the ocean, how awful it is, and do nothing about it.

So, NO, I don’t feel sorry for any of them. I live in a fire danger area too, I’ve had to evacuate my home twice in the past 12 years of living here and may live to see it burn down yet. That’s just how it is. No place is really safe but all the safest places cost far too much for me to afford, and if my home burns down, I’ll come back after the fire and build a new home. One thing I won’t do is cry about it, and I’m not going to kill myself to lessen the population problem. What I have done and will continue to do is point out that we have a population problem.

Because if enough people whisper, the sound becomes a roar and gets heard.


Looking at an aerial map of the fires going on in Southern California, it’s obvious that they’re being deliberately set. The first one may have been the result of wind damage to power lines, but not the rest, which are far apart from each other and evenly spaced.

More fires are springing up all over the place, and people are getting caught setting them. Foreign people, and I bet they’re mostly illegal aliens. We do have our home-grown firebugs but normally only a few will get triggered by a forest fire and start setting more fires. This time there’s lots of them setting lots of fires and this may be what we were warned about. That these people were sent here to deliberately attack us any way they can.

Here’s a video taken in Los Angeles of an arsonist with a blowtorch and other fire making materials being caught by citizens and arrested.

America is no stranger to acts of terrorism, great and small, and it doesn’t take much to commit a big act in a forest. Just one match will do the job when the wind starts blowing.


Elon Musk is a businessman. Businesses profit from population increases and lose money when the population declines. This is simple math, the more people there are buying a product, the more profit is made from that product.

This is why Elon keeps urging people to have more children despite the obvious fact that our population is already excessive and is causing the increasing pollution of Earth and the decreasing natural habitat that we keep taking away more of from the animals by building on it.

Then people find bears in their front yards, mountain lions eating their children and pets and wonder why they’re not protected from floods, forest fires and mudslides. Blame Elon, it’s his idea to have more babies.

He wants us to have a big, thriving Mars colony, he says it’s necessary to save Mankind, he just never actually says WHY it is. I know why, it doesn’t take Einstein to see that we may use up and pollute the Earth to the point that we need to get off it to survive as a species, and Elon is just nudging us along that path a little faster, to help ensure that his childhood dream of colonizing Mars becomes reality.

I do like the plan to colonize Mars. But the fact that Elon is insane is just a bit unsettling.


This Illegal Asshole, Sebastion Zapeta, from Guatemala, was deported previously for unstated crimes and came back in to commit more. This time around he set a sleeping woman in a New York City subway car ON FIRE, then fanned the flames with a shirt before sitting on a platform bench and watching as she burned to death.

He has pleaded Not Guilty, saying he was too drunk to remember it, even thought he admits that all the surveillance videos of this crime show him doing it. But drunkenness is no excuse to commit murder under the law and he’s most likely going to be sentenced to life in prison.

If he ends up in a prison where the inmates can purchase Ronsonal lighter fluid, I hope he gets the Crispy Critter treatment and finds out what it feels like to burn to death.


HEADLINE: “Canada, the Panama Canal and Now Greenland. What’s Behind Trump’s Expansionist Rhetoric?”

People are asking what’s up with Trump saying the US might take back the Panama Canal to keep it out of China’s hands, buy Greenland from Denmark for the same reason, and unite Canada’s government with our own on some level. The reasons given are that Panama is ripping the US off with excessive passage charges, Canada is claimed to be ripping the US off for $100 billion in trade and that the US needs to own Greenland to protect national security.

At the same time, Mexico is under threat from the US now to clean up their act and threatened with severe tariffs.

What’s up isn’t Trump trying to expand the USA, it’s the Globalists gathering forces to push back the expansionist Chinese. It’s very simple. It’s like the game of Monopoly, eventually one player gains so much property that no one else has a chance to win, any longer.

This game is called Global Dominion. Who are the players? I don’t know. I do know that they aren’t Trump, Trudeau and the other various presidents and prime ministers. Those people are the front men, the ones who carry out the orders given to them by the players. What I do know is that the players have come to an agreement on how this game is going to be played and that’s why we see these things happening now.


Starting with this one. “After initially saying NO to receiving deported illegals, the President of Mexico just suddenly announced that she will allow President Trump to use Mexico as a deportation hub, even for non-Mexican migrants. “We will receive them here. We are going to receive them properly, and we have a plan.”

She did this because of the threat to use our military to go after the cartels and it’s the cartels that control most of Mexico now. Now that she’s capitulated, we’ll be sending back all the undesirables, the Mexican gang bangers and many other criminals from other countries. Mexico can then send them on to where they came from and we will probably cover most of the expense of that. Maybe. It remains to be seen. I’ll say it again that the threat to deport illegals by the millions is an empty one, it’s not going to happen. Just the bad ones, the rest will stay.

Our government wants to end the drug traffic. This is one reason big tariffs are being put on China, to stop all the Fentanyl they’re shipping into the US disguised as ordinary mail that’s doing us so much damage.

When the drugs from Mexico stop, the cartels will collapse, but not before they try to take over everything else, at which point the president of Mexico will either ask the US for help or we will intervene militarily without being asked. Either way, Mexico is going to be dragged into the future whether the corrupt government and the cartels want it or not.


Looking back on Israel’s continuing war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip and all the uproar over the US withholding of certain munitions shipments to Israel, it doesn’t appear that they actually suffered from any shortages at all and still don’t. The conflict in Gaza is being conducted “business as usual”, and when Hezbollah in Lebanon got into the fray they were quickly and soundly defeated and rushed to the bargaining table for a cease-fire.

Even as all that was going on, Israel was able to launch a devastating attack on Iran’s missile production facilities and do the same in Syria. So plainly, Israel was not lacking in munitions and still isn’t.

What the supposed “withholding of shipments” did do was give more confidence to Israel’s enemies, who then grew bold enough to attack Israel and who then got flattened for their trouble. Could it be that all that uproar over withheld shipments and the US trying to stifle Israel’s war efforts, was a trick to lure in their enemies by making Israel look weak? Because the result is a dramatic change in the Middle East that’s still ongoing. We have yet to see the end of it with Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

The war between Russia and Ukraine still drags on, and started because of all the proactive efforts to bring Ukraine into NATO. This would allow the deployment of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, aimed at Russia, of course, which is why Putin invaded. It was clear at the time that bringing Ukraine into NATO would precipitate this conflict, so why was it pushed?

Look at the results for the answer to that. Russia’s conducting a grinding war that’s draining all their resources and they can’t keep this up forever, after they allied with China, which so far has done little, if anything, to aid them. Instead, the war has halted a lot of farm production that China would love to buy but now can’t. So was Putin conned into attacking Ukraine? Maybe, huh?

It’s such a common tactic. The US public didn’t want anything to do with Germany and Japan when they were launching their wars, they wanted to stay out of it and did until, strangely, the radar operator in Honolulu failed to report all the aircraft approaching the island, even though they were on alert for a Japanese attack.

US intelligence services were fully aware that a bunch of Saudis were setting up an attack on the Twin Towers, yet somehow failed to get the message until after they were struck, so instead of attacking Saudi Arabia, they went to war with Iraq for the oil and Afghanistan for the profits from munitions production.

Government is a shell game. It’s all about misdirection. When you think that little pea is under one of those three shells, it’s actually in the con man’s hand.


The war between East and West is heating up. Soon to be president Donald Trump posted this on X today: “The Tariffs, and Tariffs alone, created this vast wealth for our Country. Then we switched over to Income Tax. We were never so wealthy as during this period. Tariffs will pay off our debt and, MAKE AMERICA WEALTHY AGAIN!”

Trump is a Capitalist, always has been, that’s why he’s a billionaire, and increasing tariffs will impede our international trade, not enhance it. This is not Capitalism, but it is Globalism. When it costs more for makers of foreign goods to sell here, they will sell us less and charge us more, forcing us to make those goods ourselves as we used to, forcing us to once again become producers that sell to the world.

This has a lot to do with the modernization of much of the world, because we led the way. We were the shining example of an industrious people. If we’re to have a successful Global government, then everyone has to have a good work ethic again.

And if the West is to succeed over China in forming Earth’s Global Government without resorting to an actual fighting war to do it, then it’s tariffs that will pave the road to success.

As I posted recently, not all those illegal aliens are going to be deported, just the gangsters, as part of a campaign to destroy the drug cartels and bring Mexico out of Second or Third World status. That’s because we need those who are willing to work, as our industries start up again. Prosperity for all is a Globalist goal. Just this morning, our government blocked a pending sale of the U.S. Steel Co. to Japan. We’re keeping it and putting people back to work making steel products.

People like Klaus Schwab say that “You will own nothing and be happy” because they envision a world where the State owns everything, and this view isn’t universally shared. It may never happen, either, and if it does, that’s far, far into the future. What matters right now is that China not be allowed to dominate the world and turn everyone into owned property of the State. That and reducing an excessive population that’s wrecking the ecology of our planet.

This is the shift that’s happened in our government, it’s why this presidential election wasn’t stolen, and why Trump was allowed to be the spokesman for this changed direction. We do have a Uniparty, they do work together, and they don’t want to see the world fall into decay any more than you or I do. Power struggles always go on within governments and ours is no exception. We may never know what really went on, but the power has now shifted away from the Communists and to the Globalists. I just hope it stays that way.

About patriotism. Patriotism is bullshit. I realized as a child that its purpose was to get foolish people to go fight and die in wars they had nothing to do with starting, usually because their government rulers or leaders wanted to conquer some other people or just saw a way to get richer over our dead bodies. Wars will end when we stop having separate countries.


There will be a lot more launches of Elon’s Starships this year and an attempt, at least, to land one on the Moon before year’s end.

Canada’s government will fall and a new alliance will be made with the US making us more economically united. Mexico will be forced to choose between the drug cartels and prosperity, as the cartels are both taking over the government and destroying the country, and the US is about to launch a full-on war with the cartels because they’re interfering so badly now with corporate profits.

Also, the US is dependent on Mexico for much of it’s fresh produce in winter, which Mexico will plan to use against the US, but when the drug traffic is stopped along with the flow of money, the cartels will lose their power and the government will have no choice but to join in the fight against them. A lot of Mexican blood will flow before this is over.

Trump will announce various intentions, such as deporting millions of illegals and sealing the border with Mexico and getting our oil and gas production up again, along with intentions already announced, tariffs on China, Mexico etc..

These pronouncements are all just for public consumption, the reality will be different. Inflation will increase, immigration will slow because the USA is becoming a less desirable country to live in, except for skilled foreign workers, who will increase, the increase in oil and gas production will be exported for corporate profit rather than used to lower prices in the US, the digitization of currency will continue and less and less retail outlets will accept cash.

The tariffs on China will happen and there will be a tariff war with them. The West, being N. America and most of Western Europe, will join in an economic war against China to halt their aggressive expansionism. This means a shortage of their goods for us. China is already working to cut off the West’s supply of rare earths we use in batteries, industry and in military applications, while we’re busy developing new discoveries at home. It’s already a race to self-sufficiency.

There will be an internal war in the USA within the government because the CIA and FBI have been taken over by Chinese agents who have in turn brought in tens of thousands more Chinese saboteurs. The Globalists want them out and while the public will be told it’s all just politics, there will be assassinations, missing people, misinformation, non-information and lots of lies.

Governmental control over our lives will increase. Global society is going to become more divided, especially in the more-developed nations, into two basic classes, those engaged in some form of technical or scientific employment, and everyone else. Put plainly, the geeks are becoming the Elite of the working class.

Earth’s population is going to start diminishing. It’s peaked, and now will decrease and continue to decrease rapidly, primarily due to decreased childbirth but also because of an increase in deaths from all causes including starvation. World hunger will increase.

Earth’s weather is also changing and becoming more violent, and this has a direct effect on crops. There will be massive crop failures and nations that have to import food to keep their populations fed will see starvation. The hungry will rush toward their neighbor’s larders and local wars will break out at their borders.

Summing up, worsening weather, less food, more government, higher costs, but decreasing population which eventually will help free up the food supply, lower inflation and decrease migration. The pendulum swings.