On the fifth Starship launch, the booster rocket returned to Earth and landed in a very special way. It was guided down in it’s descent, to the launch gantry and then slid very nicely and neatly into place, and stopped. Caught by the gantry. Hanging there by whatever holds it at the top of the rocket.

This is rocketry HISTORY! It amazed us all when rockets were being landed on small floating platforms, but THIS is beyond even that. This ability to fly the rocket like a drone helicopter is a technological advance that is vital in ensuring safe landings on the Moon and Mars.

No more bouncing inflated balls with Mars Rovers inside, now we have rocket landings just like the sci-fi movies and it’s amazing. Space X has done the seemingly impossible.


Yesterday I posted on how stupid Mexicans are, and today I have more proof of that. Of course, they’re not alone in this, France, Italy and Spain have just been joined by Mexico in declaring their stupidity.

I’m saying this because Mexico’s newly elected president, a woman of Jewish descent, has come out denouncing Israel for defending themselves against the Muslim terrorists who attack them. That’s right, she’s a female Bernie Sanders Leftist Commie type and right at home in Mexico with this attitude because Mexico officially never liked Jews much.

Why is this stupid? Well, look around at all the countries that are turning against Israel. The UN is packed with rich Muslims who’ve taken over a lot of internal UN offices and committees, like UNIFIL which is the supposed peacekeeper people charged with keeping Hezbollah from attacking Israel and have done ZERO to accomplish this, over decades, and UNWRA in Gaza that was supposed to just help make sure the Muslim citizens were getting their supplies and instead they were aiding and abetting Hamas in attacking and killing Israelis.

What do you think will happen if a bunch of these countries all start actually physically attacking Israel, and tiny Israel becomes overwhelmed by forces too large to counter? I read their blogs, their newspapers, and they make clear that they will not go “peacefully into the night”. They have nukes and the means to deliver them and I have no doubt they will use them rather than be wiped out.

That’s why these nations leaders are stupid. They ignore reality. The more they array themselves against Israel, the closer they approach to becoming part of a radioactive cloud of hot gasses.

Putin waves his nuclear arsenal at everyone and threatens the world. Israel doesn’t say a word about nuclear weapons and doesn’t threaten anyone, but look what happens when they’re attacked. They go all out and they’re amazingly good at waging war, if you’ve been paying attention.

Every once in awhile I post on this. If it weren’t for Islam’s insane doctrines, antisemitism would never be more than a short little column on the back page, but the constant screaming of the Muslims inspires the jerks and malcontents always among us to join them. Next thing you know, they’re blocking highways and marching on the mayor’s office and it all grows in volume.

The world needs to remember that Israel is not defenseless. It would only take two or three atomic bombs to send a lot of countries back to the stone age. One apiece for the Emirates, perhaps three each for Iran and Turkey. One on Mexico City would do for them, their military isn’t much more advanced than donkey carts, rowboats and biplanes. Qatar (rhymes with gutter), half a nuke.

Let’s not get on the Anti-Israel bandwagon. You don’t have to like those people to not want a global nuclear conflict erupting. Just don’t help make things any worse than they already are.


Mexicans are stupid, loud and inconsiderate. That includes all the other Spanish-speaking assholes who have swarmed into this formerly English-speaking nation, the USA. To me they’re all generic Mexicans.

A family of these critters bought the home right across the street from me and another family bought the one up the street on the same side as me. Whenever any of them are doing things outside, they turn their radios on full blast, tuned to some Mexican-music station and let it blast away all day. You can hear it a city block away and it all sounds the same.

I’m wondering if these fuckers are all deaf, so they have to have it loud. One thing is certain, they don’t give a shit if they’re annoying their neighbors, and they are, that’s not an “if”.

But another thing is also pretty certain. This area loses homes to fires, a lot, it’s hot and dry all summer, and these Mexicans don’t live here, they bought these homes as places to party at in the summer because this is also a resort area with a big lake nearby and we have a lot of homeless people in this state who come here and move into empty homes and wreck them.

If you’re a good neighbor, and your house catches fire or some homeless squatters move in, we’ll call the Fire Department or the Sheriff to protect your property. But if you’re Mexican fuckheads, we just might let it burn or be destroyed by homeless meth addicts, because what comes around, goes around.

Most people are smart enough to think of this and act accordingly. Not Mexicans. It’s no wonder there’s so much violent crime in these Hispanic communities, they have no consideration for each other, they all act as if they can do anything they want, any time they want to, and screw you if you don’t like it. It’s all macho ego.

All the Latin American countries from Mexico on south are corrupt and violent. They’re used to treating each other like this. We aren’t, we built the greatest nation on Earth because we have a set of laws demanding we respect each other, and we adhere to them, or we did.


Hurricane Milton is about to make landfall on central Florida’s west coast, where millions of people live, between 7 PM and midnight PST. The state of Florida is flat and most of it is barely above sea level, including the west coast, and a storm surge as high as 15 feet is expected to slam into the coast and move halfway across the middle of the state. Update: At this writing, the storm already covers the entire width of Florida and is dumping tons of rain along with high winds.

Add to this a horrendous amount of rainfall over an extended period of time, and the flooding is going to be massive. People have been trying to evacuate the area since early yesterday but now there’s massive traffic jams, hundreds of thousands of people are stuck in them and running out of gas, and many gas stations have run out of gas. A lot of these people are very likely to die.

So are all the thousands who chose to stay and hunker down, expecting to ride out the storm, when even the mayor of Tampa told everyone that if you stay, you will die. Period.

It used to be that major natural disasters were very rare in human history, and this was because even the largest cities didn’t compare to the Mega-metropolises that exist now. Even small towns have become big, and now we have tens of thousands living at the bottom of future landslides, in valleys downhill of dams holding back massive reservoirs of water, and every once in a while, entire towns are destroyed along with much of the population. The latest one was Paradise, California. Bulldozed out of a forest and heavily populated, and entirely destroyed by a fire. The true death count was never revealed but it was likely well over a thousand who didn’t escape the flames that advance at 40 miles an hour and melted entire cars into puddles of iron.

Now a wall of water is going to hit Florida, plus winds currently at 135 MPH, virtually constant lightning strikes and pouring rain. The destruction is expected to be colossal and over 3 million people live there. After the storm is past, the roads will be gone, there will be no electricity, no fresh water, no food, no medical or emergency care, and people will continue to die that weren’t killed outright when the storm hit.

This is what happens when there’s too many people. If there were a lot less, there would be no traffic jams. But when you’re stuck in a car with lightning striking all around and maybe striking your car, and the water starts rising, 2 feet, 3 feet, 4 feet, you’re going to drown in that car and you can’t sit on top of it because the high velocity winds will pick you up and play with you like a toy.

The more of us there are, the more of us are going to die when some disaster strikes. We used to value human life but the more of us there are, the less each of us is worth. I liked it better the other way, personally.



What the Hell is going on in North Carolina? There’s many reports of dead, rotting bodies in trees where the hurricane flung them and laying all over the ground, with no one picking them up, of government bulldozers in Chimney Rock, N.C. flattening everything including the bodies, refusing to allow residents to return and that the government is seizing the land.

That land is rich in valuable ores including a lot of Lithium.

Reports that people are trapped because the roads are wiped out, and efforts to bring in supplies are being severely hindered, truckers tires getting slashed, and truckloads of supplies getting robbed. There’s a report that not even helicopters are being allowed in with supplies, that all air traffic is federally grounded.

UPDATE: New reports are that the “official” dead count is way off, that at least 1000 are known dead and that’s expected to rise to 2000, possibly more. The dead are now being picked up, body bagged and placed in “cold trailers” temporarily. Federal agents are said to be blocking many tons of supplies from being brought in and distributed to these desperate people, and the excuse for this was given that only “preferred vendors” are being allowed in with relief supplies. That would mean that a profit is being made by these agents over this disaster and the suffering of it’s victims, if this is true, because those being blocked from entry are delivering supplies for free.

It is a fact that when our puppet “president” Joe Biden was asked about the storm area, he didn’t know there was a storm area. No one bothered to tell him about it. It’s a fact that there should be a massive federal effort to rescue the thousands of people stuck there without food or fresh water and there’s no effort to do so at all.

Could this have anything to do with a massive Lithium ore deposit that our government possibly wants to grab from the people who own the land?


This amazing looking device is a Feng Shui Detector, Jadies and Lentlemen, yessir, step right up, get yours while they’re hot, this here thingamabob doodad will “help assess the Feng Shui energy field situation by measuring energy and aura in the environment” according to one description on eBay. It is “20m Depth 1000m Range Adjustable 360‑440Hz Handheld HG”, Yes, it must be, because it says so and no one would ever lie about Feng Shui. I mean, would they?

This incredible, fantastic and futuristic looking whatchamacallit can “Find Suitable Locations: Use the detector to find suitable residential, office, or burial locations based on various factors such as humidity and temperature.” It will also “Measure Multiple Parameters: Measures data on various parameters including geomagnetic field, electromagnetic radiation, gas levels, temperature, and humidity for a comprehensive assessment of the Feng Shui quality.” According to one eBay listing.

There’s a bunch of people in China listing these things and the price ranges from about $160 to $175. No doubt people are wasting, I mean spending, their money on these detectors of the Great Ephemeral Nothingness of the Blue Sky Yonder, because, after all, if you don’t know where your Feng Shui vibes are at, how can you find the best places to locate an outhouse or bury your grandmother?


Corporate power and greed have had much to do with driving our global population to the level of over 8 billion people now, with the constant exhorting to Grow, Grow, Grow. The more people there are, the more goods can be produced and sold and the more money the corporations make to hire more people to make more good that they and everyone else buys. It’s an endless process that grows like a cancer does, mindlessly with no end in sight except the death of the patient.

In this case, the patient is civilization. It’s obvious that this can’t continue without eventually running out of resources. Everything is finite.

Corporations now control governments instead of the other way around, and the corporations themselves are silently joining together to form Mega corporations. Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia and Google are good examples of such conglomerations, which now control between them about $11 Trillion in assets and all four are Leftist. They’re anti-free speech and seek to control what people think, say and do.

The Main Stream Media does the same, and appear to be run by one primary source, since virtually all of them parrot each other word for word in their primary talking points.

The governments of the USA, Europe and China all place ever-shrinking bounds on what is considered free speech and people are being imprisoned for speaking outside those bounds. Clearly, governments and the corporations are merging or have merged in the steady consolidation of global power over the common people.

So the question is: Which is the dominant force, Corporatism or Globalism? The Globalists intend to greatly reduce the human population to a more manageable level to prevent the collapse of civilization while the Corporatists want the population to expand forever, thinking that they can rein it in if they ever have to. This latter is in grave doubt as the more of us there are, the less controllable we are and we see the proof of this growing daily. All you have to do is read the news.

My personal choice is that the Globalists hold sway, because the world of Soylent Green is a nightmare. With a much reduced population, poverty and hunger should end along with the mass extinction going on right now of so many species as we swarm over their habitats with more living spaces for us.

But I have no prediction here on which side wins. That we will have a single, Global Government looks pretty certain. Exactly what its governing philosophy will be is still unknown.


With this latest massive barrage of missiles at Israel from Iran, the Age of Ayatollahs has ensured it’s own demise. No one in the Middle East or anywhere else wants a terroristic Islamic regime to take over and this attack from them sets Israel free to utterly blitz the Iranian war machine.

Iran has little in terms of an air force or army. What the Ayatollah dictator has invested in is ballistic missiles, drones, the efforts to build nuclear weapons and their navy, at home, with the bulk of their oil profits going to fund Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis. The 3H Club of terrorism aimed at Israel.

Now Hamas is rendered almost completely ineffective, Hezbollah is about to be next and Iran is attacking Israel in an effort to distract and divert them from Hezbollah. In doing so, they opened the way for Israel to directly attack Iran and inflict severe damage, without being condemned for doing so.

One way this can play out is that when Israel prepares to attack Iran, the US will issue statements that they want Israel to stand down, or if the attack has begun they’ll issue statements that Israel has to stop. But it’s just propaganda because the US will be giving Israel valuable support in their attack.

Because it’s not Iran that the US wants to protect, it’s the oil business. As long as the Ayatollah was selling the oil and keeping things calm, everyone was happy except Israel because the money was being used to fund the terrorists, but now that the Islamic fanatics are hell-bent on all-out war, it’s all different because this will disrupt the oil production more, the more the fighting spreads. Iran’s threat to mine and close the Strait of Hormuz still stands.

Israel wants that oil to keep flowing too, as they have a major refinery on the Caribbean coast and an oil pipeline from there to the Red Sea Gulf of Aqaba.

Iran’s Ayatollah may be expecting Israel’s other Islamic enemies to join in the attack, and he may simply be accepting the sacrifice of a lot of damage in exchange for a large enough distraction of Israel that would allow Hezbollah and whoever else to defeat them. Since he’s now gone into hiding, he plainly expects a major attack, and the rest just logically follows.

The problem with this is obvious. The Israelis are clearly one hell of a lot smarter than that old Muslim and his terrorist cabal. The fact that they’ve already done so much damage to Iran’s proxies should make that clear.

I think we’re going to finally see the end of this misbegotten attempt at making Iran the new Islamic capitol of the Middle East, very soon, along with the dismantling of their A-Bomb making efforts. There’s interesting days ahead.


It just happens far too often to be racism, when the same type of event keeps occurring involving the same race.

Looking through the news this morning, I first came across an interview between a white man and a white-hating black woman, and he was asking her her views on what was wrong with white people and she had plenty of nasty bile to spew out in response. She isn’t the first black person I’ve heard openly express their hatred of white people simply for being white.

Being racist is not necessarily a wrong attitude. It depends on whether it’s hateful or just realistic, because there are plenty of racial differences between us all, and the one I’m talking about here is the tendency of blacks to act without thinking of future consequences. So many of them only seem able to deal with Right Now, and what they want or are doing Right Now. Blacks generally lack impulse control.

For example, this article appeared in the news this morning about a 12 year old girl who was fighting with her 8 year old cousin over an Iphone, so while the 8 year old was sleeping, the older one smothered her to death and took the phone. I thought, they must be black, and they are.

Blacks of almost any age from very young on up engage in senseless, selfish acts of violence without any thought to what might happen later. In this case, the 12 year old girl is charged as an adult with first degree murder. For an Iphone. Blacks commit over 90% of all violent crime in the USA and most of it is impulsive. This is a racial trait. Yes, people of other races do these things too, but when 12% of a population does 90% percent of them, you take notice.

The people of Central and South America are generally more violent than whites and Orientals, that is, Asians like the Chinese and Japanese, who tend to be more methodical and industrious than other races. The Japanese have the highest I.Q.s, the bushmen of Australia and Africa have the lowest I.Q.s.

My point in writing this is that racial differences are real and talking about them is not racist. Hating a race is racist, but even then, being abused by people of a different race because of your race is good reason to develop a hatred for those people or at least a negative attitude, a racist attitude.

None of us are pure and we all have our reasons for the way we feel, including that black woman who was being interviewed about her hatred of whites. Whether those reasons are valid or not is not the issue here. What is, is that racial differences are a fact of life and we should stop pretending they’re not.


Was just looking at the close-up, on site pics of the buildings destroyed by Israel of the Hezbollah headquarters area and you could just about run what’s left through a flour sifter. Israel says Hezbollah’s top commander, Hassan Nasrallah, was present when they bombed the area into oblivion, and there’s no sign of life now in the pile of sand and dust that remains.

The word is that he was there with a lot of other terrorist schemers when the bombs hit and there is now nothing whatever coming out from anyone in Hezbollah, no orders, no comments, nothing.

The jokers in Iran are claiming that he survived and is alive, but denial is their stock in trade and I doubt anyone is buying a word of it. With the pager and walkie-talkie explosions, all the dead and sorely damaged users of them, all the hits on all the rocket launchers, all the destruction of all the rockets stored away, Hezbollah has been hugely degraded over this past week and I now expect Israel to move in with a ground campaign with air support to force either the surrender of Hezbollah or the actual government of Lebanon to take back their country, or preferably both.

France is having fits over this, Lebanon used to be basically a French colony, and they still have big investments there they don’t want getting bombed, so they’re screaming for a cease-fire. The problem is that Hezbollah, just like Hamas, moved munitions and operations into a lot of public buildings, homes and apartment buildings, and Israel is destroying them. It’s a little late for the French to complain, they should have stopped that, themselves, instead of letting the terrorism against Israel build and grow.

Right now I think Israel is definitely going to do a ground invasion to push Hezbollah back behind the Litani River, which is the boundary they’d agreed to stay behind in a peace accord that they then ignored. Only this time, Lebanon is going to lose more territory because Israel will push them further back than before and make it permanent this time.

The government of Iran is a pack of cowards, they’re riding a dying horse because the people have realized how much better off they were with Shah Reza Pahlavi than the religious fanatics they traded him for, who keep committing mass executions of dissidents. But being fanatics, they may just try to attack Israel full on, once they see their surrogates of Hamas and Hezbollah rendered impotent that they poured many billions of dollars into.

Remember that Iran is an enemy of most of the Mid-Eastern states and ultimately the US will have to take a side against them because we’re allied with Saudi Arabia and friendly, if not allied, with the OPEC states. This would happen if war breaks out between Iran and Israel, because the Saudis would seize the opportunity to help smash their worst enemy if their chances of winning looked good enough, and the US would support them against Iran.

Everyone knows that sooner or later, Iran has to be stopped from becoming the nuclear armed bully they want to be, and I see that day coming the more Israel hammers Iran’s proxies into the dirt.