During Pres. Trump’s first term, every executive order he issued was ruled against by some appellate judge somewhere, blocking them, declaring them unconstitutional or giving some other almost always bogus reason in order to prevent him from being effective as President.

At the same time, he was being sued in Federal and civil courts over everything imaginable, found guilty of a variety of felonies in criminal courts and owing huge sums of money in lost civil cases. It was during this period that the American public learned a new term, Lawfare. The waging of war against an individual using the judicial system.

Then he became President again and most, if not all, of the judgements against him have been retracted, dismissed or otherwise evaporated, because the Leftist judges who so gleefully prosecuted him were all violating laws and/or his constitutional rights in doing so, and they had to back off or be prosecuted.

The civil suits have ended and no one is trying to convict him of any fabricated crimes now, which would risk their careers and possibly gain them some prison time. Instead they’re keeping a little distance by only blocking his executive orders that pertain primarily to reversing Wokeness and the illegal alien invasion.

It’s been revealed that Obama coerced Supreme Court Justice Roberts into voting for the very unconstitutional Obamacare, aka The Affordable Care Act which is incredibly UNaffordable, after discovering that Roberts had illegally adopted two children from a Latin American nation and used that as a threat to force his vote. That’s the story going around, anyway, and it seems credible to me.

Since then, Justice Roberts has been compromised by the Left, as I and many others see it, and this now creates a problem for enforcing Pres. Trump’s executive orders that are being attacked by the Leftist judges that declare them unconstitutional. This has to be decided by the Supreme Court and Justice Robert’s vote in Pres. Trump’s favor is vital to maintaining his ability to act effectively as President.

It’s not looking good right now, as a Lower Court justice, Leftist Judge Boasberg, an Obama appointment, has blocked the deportations of criminal drug-gang illegal aliens and Pres. Trump wants Boasberg impeached. Justice Roberts injected himself into this fracas by admonishing Pres. Trump that judges should be reviewed, not impeached, when in fact impeachment is a very real and valid remedy for activist, cowboy judges. It won’t happen, of course, since a 2/3 Senate vote is required and the Republicans are barely more than half.

In the end, none of this may matter. Boasberg’s ruling is temporary, and a final ruling may see Pres. Trump getting his way. The actions of Judge Boasberg may actually be a feint to prevent the massive deportations of foreigners that Pres. Trump desires and limit it to just the really bad actors, because it’s just possible that our government actually wants to keep most of them. When you consider the uproar over his announcing plans to deport them all, everyone would have to agree to just getting rid of the bad apples, if that were the only remaining option.

Remember it’s a Uniparty. The actions of the Left may just be steps to promote a public compromise with the Right, and vice versa, because the true goal has always been somewhere in between.


A massive new discovery of lithium, the stuff so important to the new, power storing batteries for vehicles and power tools, was just made in the bottom of a lake in California, adding to the other huge discoveries that have already been made in the USA.

Even as lithium mining and refining develops here, vehicle manufacturing is returning along with advanced microchip and AI development. All this is in the news. What isn’t in the news so much is the research into new forms of energy production.

Technological knowledge is steadily expanding and now it has AI to move it along faster. Scientists in all fields are steadily expanding human knowledge. For example, cures for most cancers have been found, it’s only their application that’s been lagging. It takes time to put new knowledge into practical use.

Net-gain energy from fusion has finally been achieved. Practical application eventually will be, but what if there was a major breakthrough in energy production? There was in batteries, and more are coming. Carbon is extremely cheap and massively abundant, and look what scientists are doing with it now.

A new, cheaper source of power is not just inevitable, it has to happen and soon. Everything is switching over to battery power and those batteries have to be repeatedly charged back up by a currently inadequate infrastructure. Not enough power is being generated now to handle all our current needs.

A new, cheap form of safe and abundant power would eventually end lithium mining because every technology becomes both more compact and more efficient over time. Why carry batteries that weigh as much as the rest of the vehicle when a small power plant needing no external fuel source does the job? No charging stations would be needed. No power plants, power lines, coal mines, hydroelectric dams. Science fiction now but it’s a possible future.

While all the international power jockeying goes on, while nations and religions threaten and assault each other and internal politics keeps making headlines, you can bet that the number one issue among a certain set of scientists is achieving, with the increasing help of AI, the sort of power source I described, and they’ll create it. There has to be a lot more ways to get energy from atoms and their particles than by smashing them together or heating them into fusing, and they’ll find those ways, or different sources of energy entirely.

It may not be much longer before this happens. Advances are piling up one atop the other.

If I were China, I’d be asking, what do I want more, to see humanity move on to the next evolutionary stage in technology, or world domination while I can still grab it, that I can only achieve at this stage of the game by initiating a major war? And work at the advanced tech later.

China just announced their Big New Super Duper indomitable, undefeatable fighter jet, so a week later the USA announces their better, more undefeatable fighter jet. China threatens, everyone else threatens back, but China just keeps right on threatening and building more war machines for the use of their 1.5 billion or so citizens.

We should take a step back and look at the broad picture. Yes, technology is taking humanity to undreamed of new heights, but at the same time, there’s growing competition between East and West over who wins the governorship of Earth and the same technology is being used by both sides to achieve their goal.

The problem with even writing a post like this is that it’s impossible to be conclusive. I always end them lately with the reader and myself being left hanging and the next one, concerning our current government VS the Leftist judges, will be no different. Fortunately, no one has to read it because I haven’t written it yet. But beware, it’s coming.


An interesting article published this morning by CDM news reveals that the Chinese are after those Ukraine natural resources and are offering to send in “peacekeeping troops” to supposedly help maintain order when a cease-fire is reached.

This explains why Pres. Trump is engaged in negotiations over those same resources. It’s certain that Zelensky doesn’t want the Chinese joining the Russians in taking over Ukraine and making a resources deal with the US is his only way to prevent this.

The fact that Ukraine and the US are now negotiating over ownership of Ukraine’s power infrastructure is no coincidence either, as the Russians have already hired the Chinese to start rebuilding that infrastructure in areas in Ukraine that they now occupy.

This is why the US is working to end the war and bring Russia over to the US side. It’s another tug of war between China and the USA with Ukraine as the flag in the middle of the rope. Personally I expect the USA to win, mostly because Russia is much more European than it will ever be Asian, and the Russians aren’t stupid, they know what China is up to. If China gains a foothold in Ukraine they’ll never stop pushing until they control all of Europe. Including Russia.

In other news, “the White House announced Friday that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has committed to a 10-year, $1.4 trillion investment framework with the United States” “the agreement will significantly expand the UAE’s existing investments in the U.S., focusing on sectors including artificial intelligence, semiconductors, energy, and manufacturing.” This falls perfectly in line with the US taking over the Gaza Strip as Pres. Trump has been promoting, as part of achieving a global government. Economic unity is global unity.

Meanwhile, I hope Putin and his people know what they’re doing. The Chinese are not to be fooled with.


‘The world is but a stage.” So true, the actors come and go, the scenes and the lights constantly change and only the director guiding all this stays the same and is the one who’s never seen.

The Democrats are now being portrayed as The Evil Globalists, the George Soros’s out to wreck civilization and turn the world communist. But Trump Saved The Day by getting re-elected and is now Turning The Tide and Saving The World.

He’s an actor on the stage. They all are, and you should never forget that. All this is being directed. Doesn’t it strike you as at least a little bit odd that the 2020 election was so easily stolen, and yet the 2024 one was not? Why would that be?

If you watched Pres. Trump’s last speech before an assembled Congress, you saw the Democrats make total, miserable, abject asses of themselves. No one calling themselves a Democrat could help but be embarrassed by their behavior, and find themselves backing away from this display of heartless callousness and anti-Americanism.

Since then, there’s increasing talk in the MSM that the Democrat Party is dead, and of course all the Republicans are applauding this.

I said it before, I’ll say it again, what do you call a country with only one political party? You call it a dictatorship and it’s been a Uniparty in the USA for a long time now.

Actors are often temperamental and the ones on this stage are no exception. Many of the Leftists will refuse to Exit Stage Left and continue to fight to maintain their roles. Others are now appearing to do so who know the real drill and are just making their exits look realistic. The reality is that Globalism is still strong and healthy, it was just necessary to make it look as if the Evil Monster has been defeated so everyone will rally behind the New World Order that Trump is the front man for ushering in.

By uniting the US with Canada, Mexico and Russia, for starters, and taking over Ukraine’s mineral wealth and power plants, while Israel is now about to start annexing Gaza and this will eventually force the entire Mideast to end terrorism and join the world with a drastically less radical Islam, because the US will be economically deeply entrenched in Gaza and controlling much of what moves.

I think the US plan is to make Ukraine into a possession, if not a state, as this would open up Europe to all new alliances, especially if Russia comes on board economically.

The US already heads up NATO and is withdrawing from UN programs, China is being forced out of the Panama Canal, Taiwan is only a bone of contention with the Chinese because they make the most important microchips and that technology is being moved to the US right now along with Rare Earth mining, refining and battery manufacturing. New car production is moving back to the US along with reopening the steel mills. China’s grip on world domination is crumbling and they may eventually be forced into giving up sovereignty to the coming global government. Once everyone else does, they’ll really have little choice to either join or be excluded from world commerce.

Elon plans to send the first, unmanned, Starship to Mars next year followed by more. If the ships can successfully land robotically, Russia wants to partner with him in 2029 with a manned mission. If Russia and the US are economic partners by this time, and the US heads up NATO, how do you think that will affect the military accord Russia has right now with China?

Donald Trump is a Globalist, of course he is and he’s being directed in which moves to make to bring the world closer to being united. If you disagree that he’s a Globalist, you still can’t disagree that he’s trying to unite the world. Just look at what’s going on.

There’s a long, long way to go. There’s drug cartels and lots of national and international gangs and mafias, there’s a vast amount to be overcome before the world can be united, but as I pointed out earlier, AI can find the way and do it faster, and it will be used to do so.

This is a race, between East and West, and it’s steadily gaining technological speed. Stay tuned, the show’s only just begun.


According to this article, everything with Joe Biden’s signature while as President was signed with an autopen except for his resignation letter. This is easy to determine as each and every single signature would be exactly the same. The New York Post has reported that “the Oversight Project has gathered every document they could find with Biden’s signature – ALL used the same autopen signature except for the announcement that he was dropping out of the 2024 election.”

The question immediately arises, who did it? Normally it’s only the President’s secretary who uses autopen signatures of the President to sign unimportant documents, such as many copies of the same letter sent to various potential campaign donors. Anything of an official, important nature, such as signing a bill into law, must be signed personally by the President.

The autopen signatures on official documents may not be legal and valid because, unless proof can be provided that it was he who actually used an autopen instead of his real hand, then it’s possible, it could even be likely, that he never even saw those documents to sign them.

Personal letters to some correspondent, a letter to a wounded soldier for example, dictated to a secretary might be autopen signed by the secretary. But never a bill or executive order. Using an autopen for these is potential forgery. Anyone could have put his name to anything they wanted, and maybe they did.

So now what? History can’t be erased. Laws were enacted and passed, executive orders were issued, many people were pardoned who were guilty of crimes and should have been prosecuted, and every bit of it may be totally illegal and invalid. Will this just be ignored like so much wrongdoing in our government is? I bet you it will, because the power shift away from Liberalism and back toward Conservatism is essentially an experiment that failed and has ended, and is moving on, and the easiest way to deal with the trash left behind is to leave it behind and not be further distracted by it.

I kept saying that he was nothing but a puppet from the very beginning but it never occurred to me that it was so bad that he never even signed anything at all. It was, though. I have to laugh, it was so much worse than I thought. Joe Biden really was a one-man clown show who was only there to entertain.


Not just corporations but nations are racing to create the best, fastest and most intelligent Artificial Intelligence. Numerous people involved have spoken out about the inherent dangers of AI turning against us but this hasn’t slowed them down in the effort to have the best, first.

It’s like a race to build a bomb so powerful that it would vaporize our planet. If there was a known technology right now that made this possible, everyone with the means to do so would be trying to build at least one, even though only one is all it would take. Then, while we’re all threatening each other with total destruction, the race would be on to colonize space and other planets, to escape the impending doom. This is just how we are.

AI has almost the same potential as the Doom Bomb, because an intelligence far superior to ours would not have much use for us once it was able to do everything it needed for itself without us. We would be in the way.

An AI connected to the Internet could presumably access anything else connected to it, all the smart phones, refrigerators, train switchboards, nuclear power plants, military command centers, flight control towers, ships…. The first consideration with AI isn’t some Sci-Fi “Rules of Robotics”, Do No Harm. The first consideration is to install unbreakable controls in it.

It might be possible right now for AI to take over the planet. There may be enough infrastructure, smartphones and everything else already connected to the Internet for this to be possible and if there isn’t, there soon will be.

Elon Musk is rapidly expanding both his Starlink Internet system and his AI development. Maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that he’s so deeply embedded in the new US government.

I’ve been wondering how the Globalists plan to achieve global control, because it obviously needs to happen soon if it’s going to, but the disparity between nations and the continuing high level of nationalism between many powerful nations, who keep threatening each other, by the way, are stumbling blocks preventing anything remotely resembling global unity. We’re barely getting along with each other well enough now, economically, to keep ourselves fed and clothed. Our population long ago expanded beyond the ability of local areas and states to provide sufficiently for themselves. Today we need international commerce and we’d all find ourselves flung into anarchy and starving if it broke down and stopped.

Imagine a city of millions, like New York or Los Angeles, if food stopped being trucked in, the power plants suddenly shut down and water stopped flowing from the taps.

AI in control could do this. We would have to submit to it’s demands or die. Now, what if one person or group had control of this AI entity, could give it orders that it would follow? How long do you think it would take to create a global government?

So I’ll ask again, why do you think there’s such a rush to create the most advanced AI?


Jabberwocky was a poem by Lewis Carroll composed mostly of made-up words that sounded almost like real words. Today on Fox News I listened to a talking head tell us, the audience, that what the Democrat Party needs is to rebuild itself in a new image because it’s dying while the Republican Party is surging in public opinion and approval.

That makes right now a good time to point out that while his words aren’t made up, his talking points are.

For eight years of Obama followed by four of Trump and then another four of Biden, and longer, the US has had but one political party with two names, Republican and Democrat. Public approval has been almost non-existent for either half of this Uni-Party so the polls were artificially inflated to make it seem like we were all still gung-ho for one side or the other.

We weren’t, the American public didn’t give a crap for either side, we were gung-ho for Donald Trump and the media was going nuts portraying him as an Evil Dictator to detract from his huge popularity. His popularity resulted from the fact that he wasn’t pushing a political agenda, he was trying to wrestle control of our country back from those who were destroying it.

At the end of his first term, the election was stolen from him and the American public as an alternative to having him killed, a choice some no doubt now regret because he continued to hold rallies and speak out for the following four years and in the course of this, changes were taking place in the direction of government that saw many politicians disengage themselves from the general corruption. Why this has come about, I don’t know, but it has and it may have to do with a split from China.

This is the change now perceived in many of the Republicans that is setting the party apart from the Democrats. The childish displays the Democrats put on at Trumps speech yesterday and that they continued with today at their Rebuttal are doing a lot to cement the view that the Democrat Party is dying, that there are two separate parties in the US again and the New Republican Party is going to fix everything and lead the nation forward to Greater Glory.

Jabberwocky. It’s all for show. The Democrat side put on a performance yesterday and today to increase the appearance of disparity by making themselves look worse, to restore the illusion that we are governed by two separate parties, and that one of them is dying. On the news now you hear the refrain that the Democrat Party is dying. You hear it a lot.

Well, WHAT HAPPENS when you live in a country with only one political party, what do you have? Most people call that a dictatorship.

The fact, that I’ve been repeating for years now, is that we’ve been living in a dictatorship for years. They just keep telling us it isn’t. Now, if the Democrat Party is kicked into the dustbin, they’ll still keep telling us that we have a democracy anyway, while the Democrat Party shrinks away to oblivion and no one votes for it anymore or if they do, it doesn’t matter because they’ll never get enough votes to win.

It may not disappear overnight but by the time Trump’s term is up, it will be a lot weaker if they keep this up. Who wants to vote for a party that keeps behaving shamefully? Everyone wants to be popular and be on the side that’s winning, no one wants the embarrassment of admitting that their horse came in last.

This will absolutely be Continued…


That meddling idiot, Tayip Recep Erdogan, the Forever President (dictator) of Turkey, is offering to send “peace-keeping troops” to Ukraine. This is an obvious attempt to interfere with the ongoing efforts of Pres. Trump to engage both Ukraine and Russia in reaching a cease-fire and peace agreement.

You don’t send troops into a country to wage peace. You send them there to fight, to wage war. If you want peace, you don’t get it by killing people, you get it by stopping the killing.

There’s a lot of mixed signals in Europe and the US both regarding Ukraine. Zelensky says he wants peace but acts to prolong the war. He refuses to hold elections, like a dictator, while claiming he’s trying to save the “democracy”. European NATO nations are preparing to send troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians. Trump wants to close a natural resources mining deal with Ukraine which would establish a permanent US economic presence in Ukraine, make Ukraine a US ally and partner and give Putin a good reason to back off, thereby bringing an end to this war, but it doesn’t help that he first demands that Zelensky apologize. Why would this matter even slightly in the face of a pending world war?

Pres. Trump recently rebuked Zelensky in a now famous Oval Office scene for playing around with World War 3. Now we have Turkey’s Erdogan intruding into what is already a very dangerous mess. Anywhere a conflict arises that’s in the general area, Erdogan shoves both feet into and makes everything much worse in his efforts to be a big Middle East and East Europe power player.

Zelensky is a dangerous man in his desire to stay in power and play off everyone against each other, but he’s too corrupt to last, in my estimation. He’s only in power now because he was able to spread a lot of free money around to those willing to do his bidding for a price. Now that Pres. Trump is cutting him off, France and the UK are offering to sent troops and fund him but their economies can’t replace the sums that the US had been sending and doing so will just direct some of Russia’s wrath toward them.

If Turkey’s troops are sent in and start fighting Russia, Russia will surely attack Turkey and Turkey is a member of NATO and a US ally, and the US has warplanes occupying part of the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, including bombers. At one time, 90 nuclear weapons were stored at Incirlik. I’ve read a few years ago that they were removed but can’t verify this.

It isn’t Zelensky who’s the real danger at triggering WW3, it’s all of them. It’s the combination, and the more actors who enter this stage, each with their own agenda, the more the confusion increases and the fog of war becomes thicker and darker.

Pres. Trump is absolutely right. For a long time I discounted any real possibility of another global war because China was always posed as the nation that would start it, and it’s the last thing the Chinese want.

Europe gave us our last two Great Wars and it looks like they want another one, and now I understand why the US government suddenly abandoned Leftist-ism and swung back to the Right. They see this coming and want no part of it.

The nations of the world are going through a realignment of alliances similar to events preceding WW2 and this bears watching, because if one state switches their military alliance to a more powerful neighbor, others may follow suit and entirely new power blocs may form to either dissuade potential attackers or become attackers. If the US can stop the war in Ukraine, they will stop what’s rapidly shaping up to become World War 3, and they better hurry before Erdogan gets troops in there and the idiots in France and the UK start pouring in money and troops. If they don’t, all bets may soon be off.

A last thought… For want of a nail, a kingdom was lost. A proverb well worth paying attention to. That demand by Trump for an apology from Zelensky bothers me. Zelensky will likely continue to refuse it. If so, Trump won’t complete the natural resources deal and that would leave the way open for World War 3. If I can see that, they can, too.


There’s no decorum in the British Parliament, they jump up and down, interrupt each other, shout at each other, stage walkouts and generally act like a Kindergarten class gone amok, and these are the wise and solemn representatives of the people? It’s a clown show, they should all be standing outside selling cotton candy and juggling bowling pins.

Last night at the State of the Union speech given by Pres. Trump, the first act of incompetent stupidity was by Congressman Al Green, an unkempt black man of low IQ, who loudly interrupted Pres. Trump at the start of his speech, standing and waving a cane while declaring that Trump “has no mandate”. A lie in itself, since the vote overwhelmingly gave him one.

Green refused to shut up and had to be escorted out by the security guards.

The entire Democrat section, which was seated separately from the Republicans, never applauded, never stood with the rest of Congress to acknowledge any of the very deserving people being honored, and kept waving little signs that said things like “Elon Steals” and “Trump Lies” and they made themselves look like idiots by doing so instead of as people who truly care about the country. Their behavior was an open declaration that they put party partisanship ahead of the welfare of the nation. In front of the world, they looked bad.

Nancy Pelosi was there but only as a bystander this time, a guest, she had to sit there and be humiliated as Donald Trump was again President in spite of all her efforts to harm him, as he ripped her party’s past efforts to shreds instead of her ripping up his speech as she did, so infamously, in Congress in his first term. That was one of the most disrespectful displays ever conducted in the Congress of the United States, and the shame of it will be her lasting legacy.

At least this time there was no large bloc of Dem. party women all dressed in white to signify some cause no one really even remembers, probably because no one cared about it at the time except them. There were some women dressed in pink, or was it red, I forget already, but the reason was never clear.

At the end of the speech, the final impression the Left reminded me of, was something Spiro Agnew once said when he referred to a political group as “An effete corps of snobs”.

Trump may not have all the power he appears to have. I have some misgivings, but we’ll certainly know as the days march on. Pres. Trump can only do what he’s allowed to do, by those who run our world.

In the meantime, it would be nice to see a much more solemn decorum return to our halls of Congress. Public displays of silliness don’t belong there. We have a right to expect them all to act like adults.

One last thought: Remember when being anti-war was what the Liberal Left did? Instead of the Right?


Elon Musk worries about getting assassinated for cleaning up government corruption and he should, when you strip someone of a $billion a year or whatever, income, you piss off a person with the spending power to hire an army to kill you.

I can’t speculate on how much personal security he might have around him but I hope it’s massive. We can’t afford as a race of beings, I’m saying All Of Humanity here, to lose this guy. He’s taking us to the outer planets and eventually to the stars, he’s developed Neuralink that restores lost abilities and will one day connect us in ways that are almost unimaginable. He’s advanced AI to new heights and is still going. This man is a modern Thomas Alva Edison, who gave us electric lights, the telephone, ticker tape, the phonograph and a vast number of other inventions.

Pres. Trump is leading the way to a more unified world and Elon Musk is the one paving that path, clearing away the obstructing corruption and creating innovations that carry us forward.

Beyond that, he’s proven to be one of the most entertaining people on the planet. Who hasn’t honestly been thrilled to see his rocket ships take off and then land themselves? He’s always in the news, with his radical pickup trucks, his self-driving cars, new AI advances, his takeover and makeover of Twitter, and the things he keeps saying that confound, shock and amaze.

Trump and Musk, what a combination. Who’da thunk?