Article #2 in a series of articles on the changes happening in the USA and the world and how to deal with them.

So you’ve decided to move out of your crime infested area to a safer, less overcrowded place. Good idea, except…. you won’t find any work there because that’s why it’s not crowded, there’s no work. But it will be crowded soon enough because millions of dirt poor people with nothing are pouring into America and they will find this mecca of yours, and survive with their government issued EBT cards. They’ll move into every single abandoned home and building, they’ll set up camp in back yards, they’ll break into locked garages and sleep on the floors and burn down lots of them with their cooking fires and probably the connecting house as well.

Think it won’t happen? Look around. Check out the homeless encampments in Los Angeles, tell me that doesn’t shake your shit, huh? And that’s just there.

What you need to keep from being a sheep is Community Organization, not moving. Only if there’s already so much criminal activity right where you live that staying there is suicide, should you try to relocate to a safer place. Safer places are disappearing right now, you need to make the place you have safer if you possibly can.

So start Community Organizing. Avoid the subject of Politics and focus on Group Safety, Group Awareness, Neighborhood Watch. Find out who has military experience, medical knowledge, is or was in law enforcement, any survivalist types, herbalists. People with skills. You will find some don’t want to be bothered while others are natural leaders and organizers. If you can get this ball rolling, others may take over and carry the ball. You’ll need a regular meeting place or at least a place where the leaders can be called together when needed, to create plans of action. It’s important that once your community is organized for survival, that you stay connected to each other frequently, form ties and friendships.

For a good example, during the Watts riots many years back, when the blacks were out looting and burning the stores, they made a very short run at the shops owned by the Vietnamese immigrants. Short because the Vietnamese were on their rooftops with rifles and shot the looters when they came to loot and burn. That was the end of that. Vietnamese are not sheep. Arm up.

The worst problem when organizing your community, whether it’s a tenement building or an entire neighborhood, is always the arrogant, know it all assholes who bully their way into being the Big Leader, and who actually don’t know squat about tactics, they just want to be in charge and give orders. This is why you should always elect your leaders by democratic vote and have a council of them with equal say. Majority rules. Odd numbered council, like the Supreme Court, so the vote can never be even except for abstentions. 9 is a good number. No President or Chairman, no Big Leader. Just a council that decides.

There you have it. Pretend you’re Vietnamese, you have to stick together because you’re strangers in a strange land but at least you speak the same language and have the same goal, to survive. And if you don’t think you’re in a strange land now, you need to pay much better attention.


This is the first in a series of articles on the changes happening in the USA and the world and how to deal with them.

In 2020 it was Toilet Paper. All the media assured everyone that toilet paper was in short supply during the Epidemic, so of course all the good sheep ran out and stripped the stores across our great land bare of toilet paper. Some of those hoards are probably still being wiped out. Yes, bad pun.

Today it’s baby food. Women are clearing the shelves of baby food and selling it on ebay and Amazon at huge markups, and this wouldn’t be happening if our media wasn’t telling us that there’s a shortage of baby food.

It reminds me of hydroxychloroquine, a proven effective treatment for Covid19 that our government assured us was fish tank cleaner and would kill us. Word got out that it was a cure and before it disappeared completely off the shelves, ebay and Amazon, the price had roared up to $600 an ounce as panicked sheep fought each other for it.

There was a time when American Citizenship was a huge deal, people worked hard and studied hard to become an American citizen, and were truly proud when they succeeded. You couldn’t get in if you had a disease, parasites, a criminal history or seemed mentally ill. Not anymore, now the gates are flung wide open and all the filth, diseases, bugs, criminal intent and mental problems come right on in, no problem, here’s a driver’s license, EBT card and a housing voucher.

So of course there’s going to be more diseases, more pandemics. The latest disease we never had before but do now is Monkey Pox, which makes pus blisters all over the body and came here on some Africans who just walked in from Mexico with the rest. No one gave them or any of the other millions a medical check before they entered the US.

Everyone, even the Left media like CNN, is saying that the Biden administration is deliberately destroying our economy. It appears to be true but I don’t want to get into conspiracy stuff. It is true that our economy is being destroyed whether it’s deliberate or not. I think at least part of the problem is massive incompetence, and it doesn’t matter if I’m right or not because how it affects us is the only issue we have any means to deal with, anyway.

So, HOARDING. Hoarding is when you spend your steadily devaluing money on buying lots of overpriced stuff that you’ve been feared into believing you won’t get anymore. Chicken wings, for instance. Yesterday I went shopping and thought to get some wings and they were $8 a pound, and I dropped the package like it was burning my hand. You should do the same because chicken wings are not worth more than the price of good steak. Did you know that they used to get thrown away, until places like Hooters made them popular? Don’t be a sheep.

What you should do, with your grocery money, is go to the discount stores like Winco and The Cannery (or similar wholesale-to-the-public) and first get your normal groceries, then buy extra as you can afford it of a variety of things you eat. Every can and bottle has an expiration date, make sure whatever it is is good for at least a year ahead.

If you don’t own firearms, you should, and a supply of ammo for them. The influx of desperate and starving foreigners into our country is increasing and I’d count on it getting a lot worse. All these people want what you have, I don’t care if it’s a dirty used mattress under a crowded overpass, someone will want to take that from you. No matter how impoverished you are right now, the people swarming in have nothing at all and your shit looks really good to them. Always keep that in mind.

Law enforcement isn’t too great anymore. The cops have been defunded and vilified, many have left for other careers, and a lot of crimes are just ignored. The prisons are packed, the courts are packed and budgets have been cut while crime rates are soaring because of so much unvetted immigration. Mexican cartels operate freely now, just for one. So if you carry a concealed weapon without a license for it, which is a felony in most states, and get caught with it, if you’re just an average citizen you may just get probation. There is that risk. Does the risk of some jail time or probation outweigh the risk of being robbed and shot dead? That’s up to you. Baa. If you live where open carry isn’t prohibited, even better.