“The Future” is a relative term. I’m referring to what our human world will look like in another 7 or 8 years from now and how we’re going to get there.

First it helps to accept a basic tenet, that Globalism is winning and their plans will be successful, which are to reduce the population of the world down to about 500 million and end pollution and extinctions. They call this The Great Reset, I’m sure you’ve heard of it.

The basic concept is that we all eat and pollute, and that in order to keep from destroying our climate and Earth’s environment by eating and polluting our planet beyond a repair point, we must reduce our population to a manageable and controllable level and keep it there.

This is being accomplished through a wide variety of means. Basically anything that works is acceptable as long as it doesn’t make our planet worse instead of better, and a good truth to remember is that we got into this terrible shape entirely because we’ve bred too many of us. Earth is overpopulated.

The Means: Mrna injections, starvation, disease pandemics and plagues, wars, abortions, “Gender Change” and promotion of homosexuality are the primary means, accomplished by a wide variety of methods. Starvation and diseases will most likely be the main causes of death.

Over 65 percent of all the people on Earth have had at least one Mrna injection, incorrectly called a “vaccine”. This injection slowly destroys the immune system and makes those who’ve had it much more susceptible to diseases, cancers, blood clots, heart attacks and so on.

Now that most of the people are aware of the dangers of the injections, the promotion of these injections by the medical community has resulted in a deep public distrust of doctors. This helps keep people from seeking medical care and increases the death rate as a direct result.

There are now constant migrations all over the world of people using any means they can to leave their impoverished countries and invade rich ones and this has been encouraged by the rich countries, supposedly for the cheap labor it provides. What doesn’t get much attention are all the diseases these people bring with them, and this is one more excellent way to create a new pandemic, by ensuring that some of them are infected with the latest disease.

Trans-sexualism is the new fad rage and children are being encouraged to “change their sex” before puberty if possible but at least before they procreate. Homosexuals and those who’ve had their sex organs removed don’t have children. The dramatically higher suicide rate among the latter is a bonus, as for each death there’s one less eater and polluter. Homosexuality is promoted to the young, with drag queens doing performances for them in schools and libraries.

Abortion is encouraged. So is birth control by other means.

Extreme inflation is great for reducing the population, as the poorer people are, the faster they starve to death and die of diseases. Increased poverty also means less medical care and poorer quality care, which also helps increase the death rate.

New pandemics. such as the latest one, Monkey Pox, which reportedly has been treated to a Gain of Function in Wuhan prior to it’s recent release, will keep occurring, along with the release of vaccines for the new diseases that may not protect against the diseases but will very likely cause a lot more deaths, along with the diseases. Over 80% of those currently hospitalized for Covid have had the “vaccine”, for instance.

Besides famine and disease, there’s always wars to help eliminate people. Wars are easy to start and once going are pretty much self-sustaining. They do destroy a lot of infrastructure, but once Earth’s population is reduced to a sixteenth of today’s, we won’t need all that infrastructure anyway. Besides, wars also cause lots of diseases to spread and deaths by starvation.

If not enough people are eliminated through all these means, there’s always Nerve Gas. Many governments know how to make it and just because using it was ended through treaties doesn’t mean it really was all destroyed or that more can’t be made if it was.

About diseases, I don’t see really nasty, high-fatality-rate bugs being released because these can come back and bite their creators. Much more likely is that the new diseases, like the enhanced Monkey Pox, will be the norm, as they could kill off those with sufficiently reduced immune systems. Then as time passes and more “vaccinated” people’s immune systems head toward failure, more diseases will be released to get rid of them, and so on. However, I could be wrong about a high fatality rate disease as the Elite can certainly ensure that they’re all vaccinated from it and safely quarantined until the plague has passed. This could become necessary if enough people aren’t dying fast enough, especially if China becomes an obstacle to success.

The shortage of wheat and corn will continue along with the rising cost of gasoline, natural gas and diesel fuel, and the scarcity of those fuels. The production of fertilizers has already been sharply curtailed, which directly impacts farming and food production. Because of this, there is already starvation in Africa and other parts of the world.

This has been accomplished through the simple means of goading Russia into attacking Ukraine, since that area produces a major portion of the world’s wheat and fertilizers.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s seaports are blocked from shipping goods, and China’s seaports are locked down supposedly because of some strain of Covid, trucking and freight in the USA is severely hobbled by the huge increase in diesel fuel, total confusion in the ports and an unexplained shortage of truck drivers. In addition, about 2 dozen so far of our major food processing plants have been totally destroyed, either by fires or explosions, in the past months, along with at least one fertilizer plant. This will likely continue to happen to help increase the food shortage and speed up starvation. Starving people are much more susceptible to diseases, especially if they got the Mrna injections.

Nations are now beginning to halt exports of the foods they produce because of shortages, and this is rapidly affecting those nations that rely on food imports.

Food production and the means of processing and distributing food are being systematically destroyed. Farmers are being paid here in the US to let their land lie fallow, supposedly to prevent surpluses and price drops. Billionaire Bill Gates is now the largest private farm land owner in the US. Most of that land is now out of production or being used to grow GMO corn and soy for the production of plant-based fuels and soy meat substitutes, respectively. Gates, a Globalist, sees a future without beef cattle and pigs for humanity, “to reduce carbon”. I suspect that real meat will then become reserved only for the Elite.

The CCP tells their people to stock up on foods in case of emergency, then after they do, they get locked down for weeks, unable to go shopping and the stores are shut down anyway and those who failed to stock up, starve. So either the CCP is teaching them the hard way to really stock up, or they’re conducting a trial run on starving millions of them to death. I do know that China’s been trying to buy up all the soy beans everywhere and I suspect that they plan on a lot less Chinese dying off than the Globalists have in mind. I believe this will lead to war between Chinese Communism and Globalism.

July 2023, Summer, (next year) it’s hot everywhere, there’s power brownouts in the big cities of the world and old people are dying like flies from the heat. All part of the plan to keep shutting down the power. There’s riots, lots of people die, over the food shortages and pretty much anything else. People kill over the last can of sliced peaches in a Perth grocery store and a food riot breaks out when a bakery opens for the day in Chicago. Armed bands, openly armed, roam big city streets and not even the police challenge them.

Winter 2023/2024, East Coast USA and all over Europe, there’s major power shortages, brown and blackouts, no gas is coming in the pipes from Russia and people are freezing to death everywhere. By Spring the population of Earth is down about a billion from that of May 2022, and these will be remembered by many as the Good Old Days of plenty.

By 2025 the combination of food shortages, power outages, new pandemics, poison vaccines, wars and other “unforseen accidents” should have us down to around 6 billion people. I think this will speed up a lot in 2026 with a further decrease to about 4 billion, another 2-3 billion gone in 2027 and the remaining population reduction conducted over the next two years or so and the new government stabilizing everything by 2030 to about 500 million.

One of the causes of the reduction, as I mentioned, is war, and it seems likely to me that this war will be with China against an increasingly large group of Globalist allies as it become ever more clear that China has no intention of so drastically reducing it’s own population of 1.45 billion people. This is a major sticking point not just because of Globalist plans, but also because China is the worst polluter on Earth and ending pollution is really the primary goal of Globalism.

How the Globalists plan to rid China of about 1.4 billion of it’s citizens, I don’t know, though I’m certain that they do have a plan, and a good one, if the CCP won’t go along with the program. Since all the food exporting nations of any size are Globalist, simply cutting off exports to China would starve most of them to death. Of course, the Chinese see this coming, which is why they’ve bought up a lot of soy bean farms in the USA,. But they may not be able to keep them. More will always be revealed as time goes on.

The Earth’s government will be a lot like China’s Communist government, with everyone under 24/7 surveillance and everyone on a Social Credit system instead of weekly paychecks. If you fail to fit in socially, your job assignment then gets worse along with your housing, food and access to services and entertainment. Your attitude toward the government, Globalism, other people, your work, will all determine how well you do in life.

You will own nothing. Everything will belong to the Central Government.

I can’t help wondering how long a system like that, with no real personal freedom, can last, but I won’t be around to find out. It’s just as well.