There’s lots of teeth gnashing and pointed fingers lately over the profligate spending of our current Globalist government, which has increased our national debt by a whopping $7 Trillion since the start of 2022 and the inflation this has caused. Soaring prices have wiped out over $5 Trillion in personal wealth of Americans over the past 5 months according to Liberty Nation News.

Inflation reduces the value of the currency so when you have to pay $10 for things that recently cost you only $5, your wealth in cash has just been reduced by half. Your pension fund is now half of what it was, your set monthly retirement checks are suddenly only half of what they were.

The wealth loss by the end of this year is expected to at least nearly double to $9 Trillion, literally all of it being lower dollar value/higher costs. Two sides of the same coin, a good thing to remember because not all wealth is in currency.

What you own has increased in value. Regardless of what you may need to buy, or how many dollars you have, your real wealth is literally in what you have already bought, along with what you can create. That’s because for all of us, our wealth is created through labor.

The time has come to figure out what you can do to create the sort of wealth that will keep you warm and fed when most people are cold and starving. As a First World nation, our decline may be slower than the Third World nations, but I wouldn’t count on that too much. Really poor people mostly have agrarian societies, they grow their own food, weave their own cloth that they make from the hair of their animals and the fibers of plants they cultivate, and their average income may be a couple of dollars a day.

There are villages in Mexico where the people live in huts of mud bricks, have no running water, toilets or electricity, and Mexico is right next door. Who do you think will be seen as having the most wealth when our factories close, there’s no jobs, no work, the money is nearly worthless and the store shelves are bare? What do you suppose will happen to the tens of thousands of homeless in Los Angeles alone? They’ll do anything they can to get food and the drugs they’re addicted to, and I foresee the streets of Los Angeles running red with blood as vigilante groups start fighting back and killing these people off, the National Guard roaming the streets, everything shut down, rats spreading diseases. Oh, a fine time for all is guaranteed. Look ahead. This is just starting.

Forget about your dollars. Start generating real wealth in the real world that’s about to land SMACKO on your front porch. Food and the means to make more food, and start making, or learn to make, anything that people would trade for food. Be smart, don’t knit teapot cozies, make really useful stuff. Can you concoct gunpowder? Do you have a supply of lead and can make bullets? Do reloading of different calibers? Have an inventory of veggie seeds? With a garden and a water supply you can generate new seeds each Fall that will be great trade goods for food now, or other things.

Kerosene and lamps? Matches? Think about a world with no electricity. Do you keep bees? Beeswax used to be the only kind there was to make candles with and it still works fine. Honey is very edible and the bees do most of the work. Live in or near woods? Do you have small game traps? Furs are warm in winter, do you know how to prepare hides? it’s time to think ahead. True wealth is in what you have and what you can do with it to provide for yourself and your family. It always has been, it’s just the situation that’s changing. Being an accountant, clerk or factory worker may not have much value before long. Get some new skills.