Our last presidential election was stolen right in front of God and everybody. We all know it. Joe Biden was selected to act as President. This is the control the Cabal now has over America. Yet, in the very face of this, people like Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, and others, are lining up to pointlessly compete for our ineffective votes. Why would they do this?

I’ve been saying all along that Trump may not be the Man of the People that he seems to be and it looks like DeSantis may not be either, and the fact that they’re competing for their party nomination means that I’m right. That’s because the only way any of them can become President is if they’re APPOINTED to the office the same as Joe Biden was, and for that to happen, the “winner” has to be the one who will most support the Cabal agenda.

So PAY ATTENTION TO THIS. The person who gets the job of President Puppet will be the one who is most compatible with Cabal Doctrine and who will best represent what our government wants.

This person will need to be a smooth talker and popular with the people. Since Trump is popular with many but hated by many as well, he may not have a good chance. DeSantis is not popular with the Left either, but both are smooth talkers.

The public will be hard pressed to accept a second term from a doddering, stumbling Biden, and there are no popular Leftists currently, so the fake presidency may be given to a “Republican”. This would also be a big help in reinforcing the falsehood that we still have fair elections.

It’s going to be fascinating to watch when the election finally comes around. Whoever is “elected” will, of course, be a traitor to our Constitution, but will gain a new title: Big Brother.