The population of Russia 2 years ago was 144 million. Since their war in Ukraine it’s more like 143 million or less now, since half a million have been killed by Ukraine and a lot of men have left Russia to keep from being sucked into this mess.

I point this out because Germany is prepping for war once again and cites some nebulous threat from Russia as the reason. They’re getting ready to start compulsory military service, with conscription of 18 year olds. This isn’t actual, yet, but they’re getting very serious about it.

Since Germany is in NATO, which includes the USA, and Russia is immersed in Ukraine fighting and has depleted their armament, I can’t see a Russian threat as a legitimate excuse to do this. What I can easily see as a good excuse is the threat of invasion from China, but there’s another possibility.

Which is, maybe Germany is getting ready to invade Russia once again, instead of the other way around, along with the rest of the NATO nations. Putin’s constant and very bellicose threats of using nukes on everyone he wants to scare may actually be being taken seriously.

It’s all just talk and paper shuffling so far, but it’s also an indicator of deeper possibilities. Just thought I’d point this out, it’s something to keep an eye on.


Just read a news bit that says some of the illegal aliens who’ve been allowed to pour in to the country by our government, are now stealing oil from the Permian Basin in Texas, our largest single oil field, and selling it, and the Feds are trying to stop it.

Excuse me but it’s our Federal government that’s responsible for the shutdown of our oil industry, and I personally don’t give a diddly fuck who steals it or how much they steal, it just means more oil is reaching the market, which just might help DRIVE THE PRICE OF GASOLINE DOWN.

So yeah, steal the shit out of it, drain that fucking field, make oil and gas cheap again. That’s fine by me and the oil corporations and the Tax Man can cry over the money they didn’t get, I care less.