Read an interesting article this morning about Americans and Canadians moving to Russia to escape the growing religious persecution in these countries. So far, the church burnings haven’t started in the USA yet but Canada has seen over 80 Christian churches burned down in the last two years, because of a false story put out by their government that hundreds of indigenous children were buried under churches and in churchyards.

The story turned out to be a total lie.

It’s not just the churches, of course, as Christians are leaving because of all the Woke, Rainbow, LGBTQ=-+ Trans bullshit. America and Canada aren’t safe for children anymore, not with both governments promoting these child “sex changes” and punishing parents for resisting it. Canada even makes criminals out of parents who call their children by their correct gender pronouns now if the child “identifies” as the opposite sex or “other”. Russia is like the USA was in the 1950’s, they don’t allow this crap.

Vlad Putin was just re-elected president again and of course, it’s still a Putin dictatorship and it’s Putin who’s made sure that all the queer and trans stuff is prevented and stomped down. So I got to thinking, what happens if the US and NATO states really start pushing back in Ukraine and really begin to threaten Russia?

This is Putin’s fifth six-year term as president of Russia and he’s getting well along in years. He’s 71 now and has been reported to have various health problems. In any case, this is his last term as Russia’s president, there’s no doubt of it and he certainly knows it. All that power will be gone, what a shame to lose it, right? And there sits a reason to use some of those nukes, with Ukraine and the intrusions and NATO and all.

What a grand gesture, how the world would remember him, what a hero of Russia he would be, if he destroyed the NATO forces hemming in Russia, ever closer and more threatening all the time. Look at Germany, about to increase the size of their military “in response to the Russian threat” and the US sending troops to Ukraine and France threatening to.

Maybe it’s time for Russia to show it’s true might. And with mighty China as his ally.

I know this is just speculation, but he is kind of nuts and he may just do it.


Everyone is asking now, What is the US hiding in Rafah? The USA effort to stop Israel from conducting a full scale assault on that city keeps accelerating, with all sorts of threats and reprisals including blocking arms shipments to Israel, who is supposed to be USA’s “iron clad ally”.

Now the Washington Post says that the US has intelligence information on the locations of top Hamas leaders and tunnels in Rafah and will share that information with Israel if they just attack the areas the US wants them to. The only way they’d have the information they claim to have is that US agents are there in the middle of what Hamas is doing.

So, TWO QUESTIONS. What kind of “iron clad ally” would withhold that information in the first place, and THEN use it to bargain with, and what the hell is in Rafah that they’re so scared the Israelis are going to find? I have a good idea and I’m far from alone with it. It’s looking like the USA has been working with Hamas and Egypt to keep Hamas supplied and has been working both sides of this conflict for years.

“U.S. officials are now working closely with Egypt to find and cut off tunnels that cross the Egypt-Gaza border in the Rafah area”.

What does that tell you?


When Hitler rose to power, one of his goals was to eliminate all the Jews of the world, and he did get a third of them. He just didn’t like the way they kept managing to own everything.

When Chairman Mao came to power, he wiped out millions upon millions of Chinese citizens whom he believed would not accept his Communist vision. In his case he was entirely successful.

You don’t have to be of a certain race to be annihilated, it can be your religion or your philosophy. Today the world is dividing between the Woke and the Unwoke, those who embrace all the Trans and LGBTQRS insanity and those of us who don’t. So far, it’s only a strained relationship, but the fact is that the English speaking nations are endorsing it with laws protecting it and penalties for transgressions of those laws.

Now look at the rise of Islam in English speaking nations along with the rise of trans-sexualism, homosexuality and the rest, consider that Islam is also being legally protected, that Muslims will happily murder Trans, homosexuals and the rest of those Wokers, and ask yourself, how do you think this is going to work out?

You know I love a good conspiracy, and this looks like one to me. Why are English-speaking nations aiding and protecting both the LGBT crowd AND their natural born killers? I ask because they are, and it’s like training two dogs for a fight. When the Muslims start attacking the fags, who will Antifa and BLM side with?

There is so much shit going on in the world right now it’s enough to make your head spin. When I was a little boy my parents took me to see the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus, and while it was a lot more fun to watch than this, I have to admit that this is more exciting.