COrona VIrus Disease 2019, we now know was being developed and the pandemic planned, years before it was finally set upon the world. The pandemic was timed to coincide with the yearly influenza (Flu) season, and for good reason. COrona VIrus Disease 2019 is a modification of the Flu. The Flu is a corona virus disease and funny thing, it looks absolutely IDENTICAL to “Covid”.

The Flu constantly mutates, there’s always a bunch of varieties of it to deal with every Fall season, and the vaccines for it each year usually deal with two or three varieties at once. People are used to getting yearly flu vaccine shots, and it was the right time of year to get people to take The Jab.

The new disease was made to be highly contagious but not very lethal. Probably about the same as the average Flu bug. It turned out that it wasn’t lethal enough so hospitals resorted to killing patients with intubations and injections of Remdesiver, which is a drug given to purposely kill people. It’s for terminal patients. This combination killed a lot of people and increased the reported fatality rate, and succeeded in frightening a lot of people into getting The Jab. The Flu normally kills 40,000 people or more each year, so no Flu season, or deaths, or vaccines, were announced for 2019-2020, and instead the deaths were added to the Covid death count.

Other methods were also used, as even people who died in accidents were reported as being “infected with Covid” and included in the death count. Then there were the “Covid tests” to see if a person had the disease or not, and even rocks, cabbages and frogs tested Positive for the disease. Almost everyone tested positive, “But if you get The Jab, it will still protect you” and people, fools that they are, believed it and got the injections.

Now we know that it wasn’t “Covid” that was so dangerous, it was The Jab, the mRNA shots, that have killed many millions so far and apparently the slaughter is just getting started. Below is a recent chart showing a steady increase in excess deaths over the norm.

That flat blue line at the bottom represents reported Covid deaths. Obviously, “something else” is killing off a lot of people and doing it faster over time.

Finding anything on the Internet about excess deaths is difficult. The WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation fingerprints are on almost everything, controlling what we get told and what we get lied to about.

One thing they are saying is that we can expect another “pandemic”. I don’t know if that includes another global effort to poison us all, but I’m willing to bet the next disease they throw at us will be a lot nastier than some Flu bug modified in a Wuhan lab. Over 72% of us have had an injection designed to wreck our immune systems, and its a safe bet that the next disease will target that and take full advantage of it.

Of course, the massive wave of deaths, if they happen, will be blamed on the new disease, not on The Jab but if you’re among the 27.7% who never got Jabbed, you may be fairly safe. Just one more wonderful future thing we get to look forward to besides all the other threats of nuclear war, economic collapse, food supply collapse and global starvation, Nazi riots, Islam, EMP destruction of civilization, so forth and so on.