When the Democrats are in power, things get done, a lot of things, and few if any are good for the country’s sovereignty, economy, citizens or anything else.

When the Republicans are in power, nothing gets done. Absolutely nothing. I don’t know what this tells you, but it tells me that the Republican Party is just there for show. I’ve watched. Year after year, when they came into power, they did ZERO, NOTHING. Only when Donald Trump was elected as a Republican did anything get done, and they all hated him, his own cabinet attacked and backstabbed and impeded him, all the Republicans blocked him and stymied him.

This isn’t politics. This is a single group of people with a single purpose of maintaining an illusion, that the USA is a democratically oriented republic with a valid election process, while they slowly and steadily change everything over to … something else, perhaps similar to the Chinese form of dictatorship, or maybe more like the one in Venezuela. But that’s not any concern of mine.

I’m just pointing out, that the only real politics going on in this country now is the jockeying for the highest paying jobs. We call this “Office Politics”. Actual political parties are history, along with their loyalties. Now it’s all about position and power and nothing else.