The perfect time of year is here again. For a little while, every May and usually the first two weeks of June, it’s like living in Hawaii. Warm, sunny days, cool nights, I love it.

Then the middle of June rolls around and the temperature soars in the daytime, and the nights are warm. By July we’re seeing over 100 degrees most days and it’s too hot to sleep with even a sheet over you, and it stays this way through August and September and doesn’t begin to taper off until October.

But from the middle of October through November, it’s nice again. Then it’s winter. No more nice. Wind and rain and cold.

This is not the most ideal place to live, so not a lot of people live here, which to me is an advantage because I’m not much of a people person. Of course, there’s not much industry at all or shopping venues, either, so shopping online is how I handle most of mine. Amazon ships free with a Prime membership and Walmart ships free with a $35 purchase or more, so I get Big City price discounts in my little town that way.

The other advantages are very little traffic, almost no crime, almost all white people, (which is why very little crime) no queer parades, people blocking roads, riots, angry mobs, or mosques with fucking Muslims running around.

Tradeoffs have to be made when you aren’t rich, and I’m not. I am self-sufficient though, and consider myself a success. I own my home, have enough savings to live on comfortably for as long as I live, and have everything I want and need. The trick to that last is to keep my wants within reason and know what I actually need and what I don’t. Life is as good as you make it.

2 thoughts on “ALOHA OI”

  1. Thight Condictions of Life by well-calculation of money and need.
    The Perfect Balance for SURVIVING in a Long and Prosper Life.

    Congratulations, Sir. You do every thing right.

    1. No, I don’t think anyone does everything right, but thank you for the compliment anyway. I posted that just to say something positive for a change instead of talking about all the other stuff.

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