The VERY corrupt court of Juan Merchan and his biased jurors all agreed that Pres. Donald Trump is guilty of 34 felonies for a crime that never existed. Should anyone be surprised, when these are the same people who stole the presidential election with such ease?

SUPPOSEDLY, it is “very unlikely” that he’ll actually be sentenced to do any jail or prison time, but who knows with these people. My bet is that he’s sentenced to at least one year and a day in prison but we’ll see.

I don’t know. That the man has a massive ego has never been in doubt, and I’m unsure whether he’s really doing this mostly to save the unsavable, meaning the USA, out of the goodness of his heart, or if he just loves the power of the office. I kind of think it’s the power that draws him. Again, we will see.

I bet $20 they don’t let him be President again, but let him win his conviction appeals.