The world’s top virologists began saying this soon after the mRNA shots started being pushed onto the people of the world. Now it’s come time.

They said that the shots will kill people. Lots of people. Billions. Look at the chart below of Jabs given, over time. The first big peak was June, 2001. It is now June, 2004, 3 years later. If the people quoted below are right, and there appears to be no reason they aren’t, at least half the population of the world is going to be dead no later than June 2027 and it starts now, because they all give a time period of 3 to 5 years from the time of being injected.

Chart courtesy of

As Slay News reported, Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill is among the world-leading experts to issue warnings to the public.

Prof. Cahill, a world-renowned immunology expert, warns that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”

Additionally, billionaire Bill Gates’s former vaccine advisor recently blew the whistle on a coming “wave” of “unprecedented deaths” among the vaxxed, as Slay News reported.

Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation scientist and immunology expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warns that countries around the world will soon experience a “completely unprecedented” population plunge. Bossche predicts that the death toll will be “up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries.”

A world-renowned professor who drafted America’s laws on bioweapons has signed a sworn affidavit asserting that Covid mRNA shots are “weapons of mass destruction.” Dr. Francis Boyle is a Harvard-educated law professor who drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act. The landmark legislation passed both houses of Congress unanimously.

It was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on May 22, 1990.

Dr. Boyle has now provided a signed affidavit stating that Covid mRNA injections violate the law he wrote. Boyle asserts that “COVID-19 injections,” “COVID-19 nanoparticle injections,” and “mRNA nanoparticle injections” are bioweapons and weapons of mass destruction.

The very same man who wrote the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act that is FEDERAL LAW, says that the JAB, the mRNA “vaccine”, is a Weapon Of Mass Destruction. Who would know this better than him?