They’re getting the Bird Flu ready to release on the world. “A top doctor has spoken out to warn the public that bird flu has been weaponized in bioweapon labs to make the virus more transmissible between humans.” This is now being spread to farmers, and so far is called a “lab leak”. The same as the Wuhan Lab “leak”?

Bird Flu is also known as Influenza strain H5N1. It’s still the Flu, which is constantly mutating naturally into new strains, and some can be pretty deadly, which is why the bio weapon labs are so involved with it. It can be increased in ability (gain of function) to be more contagious, do more damage, attack specific organs, increase symptoms and the speed of onset, and so on.

It’s another sort of “covid”, which all forms of Influenza are.

This is obviously to help ensure that the coming massive deaths will happen, will happen as rapidly as possible, and will provide a focus to point most of the blame at. Last time, even those dead of heart attacks were claimed to have died of Covid, and this time they’ll say it was Bird Flu. The reality is that all of them will die of the mRNA injections.