“Saudi Arabia will not renew its 50 Year ‘Petro-Dollar’ Agreement with the United States as it moves toward a BRICS Alliance, essentially ending the West and U.S. dollar dominance.”

“In 2018, leaders from the BRICS Alliance met, including Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Five years later, South Africa’s Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor announced that other nations, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico and Nigeria, wanted to join BRICS.

BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and is an economic alliance similar to the EU but does not have a common currency. Just as a side note here, watch for BRICS to change their name as more nations join.

As long as the Saudis did their oil trade in dollars, the OPEC nations and others followed suit, but with Saudi Arabia now about to switch over to the Chinese Yuan, OPEC, at least, will certainly follow, which ends the Dollar as the world’s primary monetary unit in global trade. BUT, this doesn’t end there.

Specifically, just for one major example, this move spells the end of Israel as a nation, because while religions and politics are mighty forces, it’s ECONOMICS that drive the world. India and China are mortal enemies, constantly fighting over territorial boundaries, and yet they’re both partners in BRICS. The USA and China are also mortal enemies and continue to trade heavily with each other in spite of knowing that they may go to war.

With the Saudis adopting the Yuan, it’s a given that they’ll join BRICS and the rest of the Mideast Muslim nations will follow. Since they all hate Israel, the time will come when the Shias and Sunnis unite against the Israelis once again, and with the backing of Chinese and Russian weaponry plus all the vast armaments that the US sold to the Saudis and with a few nukes from Iran and possibly Pakistan, tiny Israel has no chance.

The Muslims will never stop until they drive the Jews out of the Middle East. They just won’t.