After our Ministry of Jobs (plagiarized from 1984″ ) told us about 750,000 new jobs that had been created in our nation that has just let in over 12 million unvetted migrants, it all turns out to be a Big Lie. The jobs don’t exist, never did.

What’s really happening is that our economy is collapsing under the weight of too many people who draw from the Federal welfare system and contribute nothing except more crime, costing taxpayers more $billion$, while spreading diseases that had been eliminated in this country.

Nothing happens overnight, and I personally don’t expect to see a sudden repeat of the Great Depression. What I do expect and am seeing now is an increase in poverty, directly because of rising wages and the corresponding increase in prices for everything.

A huge portion of our population can’t pay those increased prices. This has a lot to do with the increase in homelessness. When someone who makes $500 a week has their rent increased to $400 a week, there’s not enough left to eat and put gas in the car.

The only way to decrease unemployment is to decrease the number of unemployed. Send them back out of the country, along with all the non-citizen migrants who are working, and free up those jobs for citizens. It wasn’t too long ago that our industries were booming and they needed more workers but there weren’t enough to fill all the jobs. Now we have tent cities within our cities, filled with the jobless. This is no accident, this is the bringing down of our system, on purpose.

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