Acheta is the name of powdered crickets, bug powder that is now being added to some food products.

“In 2018, a European study examined 300 insect farms and found parasites in 244 of them. At 30% of those farms, they found parasites that may carry diseases to humans”.

The powder is made up of actual cricket protein and ground up exoskeleton, called chitin, which is inedible and you might be allergic to it. Since bug powder is an unregulated industry, there is no way at all to know just how much of the acheta in your food is protein and how much is chitin.

Crickets are about 10% inedible chitin and 65% protein, at a rough average. I assume the remaining 25% is other organic compounds and water. The powder itself is expensive, as much as $60 a pound depending on quality.

So if you want to risk eating diseased parasites, then Bon Appétit, monsieur. Otherwise, you better start checking the ingredient lists for the word “Acheta”.