Just hung up from calling an eye doctors office, to cancel my appointment, because I checked the weather for that day and the temperature is going to hit 110. Now that I’m seriously old, high heat just knocks me flat.

First, I gave my name and time of appointment and said I need to cancel, and she said Okay, it’s canceled. But when I briefly explained that I had to cancel because I can’t take the heat and would reschedule when it cooled off, the little bitch on the phone was quick to say something similar to “Yeah, right, have a nice day, goodbye”. In other words, Oh shit, this old man wants to TALK TO ME. GET RID OF HIM.

Exactly the same response I got from my eye doctor. DO NOT MAKE CONVERSATION, not of any sort other than the absolute necessary to get treated because they don’t want to talk to old people.

My doctor at the clinic here does the same shit. So do clerks in the stores. When I was young, or even middle aged and prosperous looking, everyone wanted to talk. Now that I’m old and shaggy, it’s GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME.

One more reason why I side with the Globalists. Like Rodney Dangerfield, I don’t get no respect.


I have a weird little prediction for you. My previous post is about our increasing need for power. Now, we have atomic powered ships and submarines that take their power source with them and can travel around for years with no need to refuel.

What if cars could do that? What if each home could do that? What if there was no power grid anymore? No power poles, no electric wires up and down the streets?

What if there was a battery that generated it’s own flow of electrons, using a form of bacteria? One that released energy almost at an atomic level, that caused electrons to be released from molecular structures in a cyclic system that was self perpetuating? That fed itself on the byproducts of this cycle and converted them back to fuel in the process?

An organic energy generator. Remember Light Sticks? Plastic tubes full of liquid you bent that would then glow in the dark? Based on the Cold Light ability of some fish. Electric eels generate actually LETHAL amounts of electricity.

Just saying, the next major energy source may come from the place you least expect it to. Hey, you heard it here first.


“Necessity is the mother of invention”, an old, famous saying that is and will always be true. Today, the advent and rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence is putting increasing demand on the energy grids of the most developed nations at the same time that increasing numbers of Electric Vehicles are and creating a need for more power to prevent brownouts and blackouts.

Because of this, in some nations, coal fired power plants are being started back up again in spite of the push to rid the air of excess carbon. They won’t be able to keep up with the increasing power demand, however, and there’s a new surge in interest in building more nuclear power plants.

But what’s needed isn’t more of the same old dangerous, expensive and highly polluting technology to power the new technology. What’s needed is a more advanced, cheaper and cleaner source of energy. A breakthrough.

The energy is there waiting for us, because everything there is, is made of energy. Energy and matter are interchangeable, as Einstein proved and the Atomic Bomb verified. Right now our only method of using atomic energy is to boil water to run steam-powered generators, the same generators that are driven by steam made by burning coal. All our other technology has moved far beyond this, and our power grid desperately needs to keep up.

Of course, our power needs could be greatly reduced, simply by greatly reducing the number of people causing the need. The WEF openly states that as being one of their primary current goals and both goals, new power and less people, are being busily pursued now because both are necessities. Or Mothers, depending on how you see it. 🙂


Who knew besides the perverts? June is “Pride Month?”. Isn’t that swell, the faggots, perverts, child molesters, insane jackasses who think they can change sex back and forth from women to men and men to women, people who think they can be both sexes at once, men who dress like women and read faggoty stories to little children at schools and in libraries, all these warped freaks and more besides, have awarded themselves a whole month to celebrate their fucked-up-ed-ness.

They took the rainbow, a Christian symbol of renewal and promise, and turned it into their very own symbol of Brain Fuck. No wonder the Christians especially don’t like them.

These Alphabet Assholes have done their very best to corrupt and destroy any decency they could find in humanity, anywhere they could find it. They violate every sanctuary of normalcy, they sue people who won’t comply and get faggot judges to give them the victory.

They’re all cocksuckers in not just the literal sense but in every sense. They can pretend that they have a whole month honoring them, but it’s only them trying to honor themselves, like dog turds in a beauty contest.

No one else does and most of humanity is disgusted by them. June is just June and nothing more and will still be long after those hemmorhoided assholes are buried with their apocryphal flags.