“Necessity is the mother of invention”, an old, famous saying that is and will always be true. Today, the advent and rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence is putting increasing demand on the energy grids of the most developed nations at the same time that increasing numbers of Electric Vehicles are and creating a need for more power to prevent brownouts and blackouts.

Because of this, in some nations, coal fired power plants are being started back up again in spite of the push to rid the air of excess carbon. They won’t be able to keep up with the increasing power demand, however, and there’s a new surge in interest in building more nuclear power plants.

But what’s needed isn’t more of the same old dangerous, expensive and highly polluting technology to power the new technology. What’s needed is a more advanced, cheaper and cleaner source of energy. A breakthrough.

The energy is there waiting for us, because everything there is, is made of energy. Energy and matter are interchangeable, as Einstein proved and the Atomic Bomb verified. Right now our only method of using atomic energy is to boil water to run steam-powered generators, the same generators that are driven by steam made by burning coal. All our other technology has moved far beyond this, and our power grid desperately needs to keep up.

Of course, our power needs could be greatly reduced, simply by greatly reducing the number of people causing the need. The WEF openly states that as being one of their primary current goals and both goals, new power and less people, are being busily pursued now because both are necessities. Or Mothers, depending on how you see it. 🙂

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