Who knew besides the perverts? June is “Pride Month?”. Isn’t that swell, the faggots, perverts, child molesters, insane jackasses who think they can change sex back and forth from women to men and men to women, people who think they can be both sexes at once, men who dress like women and read faggoty stories to little children at schools and in libraries, all these warped freaks and more besides, have awarded themselves a whole month to celebrate their fucked-up-ed-ness.

They took the rainbow, a Christian symbol of renewal and promise, and turned it into their very own symbol of Brain Fuck. No wonder the Christians especially don’t like them.

These Alphabet Assholes have done their very best to corrupt and destroy any decency they could find in humanity, anywhere they could find it. They violate every sanctuary of normalcy, they sue people who won’t comply and get faggot judges to give them the victory.

They’re all cocksuckers in not just the literal sense but in every sense. They can pretend that they have a whole month honoring them, but it’s only them trying to honor themselves, like dog turds in a beauty contest.

No one else does and most of humanity is disgusted by them. June is just June and nothing more and will still be long after those hemmorhoided assholes are buried with their apocryphal flags.

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