The Iranian axis is “on the march to conquer the Middle Eastincluding “Saudi Arabia,” Netanyahu said.” This is coming from the Jerusalem Post, aka the, which posts a lot of clickbait and false information. However, I verified much of this on other, more reliable sites, and this war has plainly been coming for a long time now anyway.

PM Netanyahu stated that Tehran “is fighting us on a seven-front war: obviously, Hamas, Hezbollah as well as the Houthis, the militias in Iraq and Syria, the West Bank, and Iran itself,” he said. “They’d like to topple Jordan. Their goal is to have a combined ground offensive from various fronts, coupled with a combined missile bombardment”.

Israel is getting close to ending the heavy fighting in their war with the Hamas terrorists, as their control over the remaining area of Gaza is nearly complete. Once this is accomplished, their declared intent is to create a 5 kilometer wide “dead zone” on the Lebanese side of their border with Lebanon. The purpose of this is to restrict Iran’s other local proxy, the Hezbollah terrorists, from approaching Israel undetected.

The US keeps making statements that they won’t back up Israel in a war in Lebanon, but I don’t believe it. The Globalists want the Middle East nations in their pocket, and defeating Iran could do that. This necessarily includes taking down Iran’s proxies. Everyone with a brain knows that Iran wants to conquer Saudi Arabia, because that’s where Mecca is and it would give Iran control of the religion of Islam, itself, instead of the Saudis.

Now, this is just a thought, it probably will never happen, but what if Iran went to attack Saudi Arabia, and they ended up desecrating Mecca instead of the Saudi royal palace? Or at least someone did and they were blamed for it. The Ayatollah is Shia Muslim, Saudis are Sunni. All Islam would rise up against Iran. This would be the end of both Iran and Shia Islam and only Sunni Islam would rule from then on. Then the Muslims could finally unite under one religious banner and stop fighting between them.

Back to the present, the fighting still goes on in Gaza but keep an eye on the area, because it’s not about to wind down. It’s going to really erupt.