I haven’t had much to say about this in the past simply because it’s so obvious it’s almost like saying how rain falls from the sky. I’m referring to Barack Obama being behind the voice of Joe Biden and still having a big part in the running of our government. Everyone knows it that matters, so why go on about it?

But with the tenure of Joe obviously coming to an end, and another fake election coming up for the benefit of the proletariat, Obama’s presence and his place in the hierarchy of government take on more importance. It matters who’s running the show because there’s never full agreement on ideologies among these heathens, all of whom no doubt would rather it were him or her at the top of the pack and while some of them prefer a slow, relatively peaceful progression into full dictatorship, others want to really hurry things up.

Those on the side of Globalism are in charge of much of the world now, and while they all agree on reducing the population, they don’t all agree on the best ways to go about it. Some prefer war, some want plagues and famine, and some just want to wait and let The Vax take it’s toll.

So it matters to the rest of us just who gets the final say, because it’s our futures, or lack of them, that are in the balance.

My personal take is that Obama is riding high right now with the EU/WEF/NATO/UN conglomerate, that he holds not all, but some of the really important reins of power. This is evidenced by the spread in most of these nations and certainly in the USA of the Queer and Trans insanities. Only a homosexual with great political power could have forced this onto the world, and it gets the WEF blessing because it promotes their goal of Less People. Homos don’t reproduce and simultaneously help destroy social mores and morals. The big parade of naked homosexuals in Canada yesterday is a real good example.

Obama didn’t rise in power unaided, he had and still has backing far more powerful than his that put him where he is now, and who he still has to answer to. The clues for us to watch for are any changes in the current policy and direction. For instance, reductions or increases in letting in migrants, crackdowns on the gangs, increase in oil production, new taxes/less taxes, and so on.

It’s by these that we’ll have some idea of what the future might hold for us, but all bets are off if anyone uses a nuclear weapon.

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