After Joe Biden displayed his advanced cognitive decline in front of the world, after the last question was asked and Pres. Donald Trump walked off the stage to the left, and Jill Biden came out to escort a confused Joe Biden off the debate stage, nothing was left except the shock everyone was in.

We all expected old Joe to be, what? Something more than what he was. He went through long periods of being frozen as he spoke, not even blinking, as all his energy was focused on simply getting through what he was supposed to say. He stuttered, made squeaky noises, mumbled and blithered, forgot what he was saying, and repeatedly lost his train of thought.

In the aftermath of this debacle, many on the left want him replaced as the Democrat candidate, and this person is put forth as the most likely. Even Republican Ted Cruz said so.

Personally I think he makes a really ugly woman.

That’s right, Tranny Micheal (Michelle) Obama is predicted to be the Democrat candidate for President.

Well, of course. For one thing, this helps prove what many have been saying, which is that Barack Obama has been the voice behind Joe Biden, and this would just continue his reign of power for yet another four years.

Dumping Joe for the faggot black bitch guy would also give them some credibility when they once again rip off the vote from Donald Trump. All the polls would claim this thing is surging ahead of Trump.

And after Trump is defrauded a second time, they will probably slam him into a prison where he will end up dying, just to drive the point home like a spike in the heart that they are running the show and you either comply or face the same punishment.

Because, I’ll say it again, the only way Trump can be President again is if he’s made a deal with the Cabal and will be a good little puppet.

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