Looks like a lot of the top Democrat politicians don’t want Old Joe replaced as their presidential candidate. I guess it really doesn’t matter who they put in the White House anymore, anyway, it’s just that by the end of another four years he’s going to be drooling on his suit tie and walking with a diaper loaded with piss and shit. If he’s able to walk at all, that is, and you have to wonder, do they really want to present that picture to the rest of the world?

I’m having a hard time right now, trying to understand why he’s still president in his sorry condition. He’s already an embarrassment, no one sees him as being competent or believable, and if he’s not replaced, you know who will succeed him when he can no longer even stand up straight. Kamala Harris, that giggling idiot they gave us for a vice president.

I don’t know, maybe that’s the idea, to make America look as bad as possible. If it is, they’re sure on the right track.

3 thoughts on “MORE ON THE CLOWN SHOW”



    Cartoon published 06/28/2024

    First of all, I was pleasantly surprised that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash allowed the debate to flow as well as it did. I expected Jake to interrupt, correct, or otherwise silence Trump to give Biden the advantage. That didn’t happen—CNN managed to be fair and balanced for a change.

    Joe Biden looked horrible. How is this man still in office? He is made for the 25th Amendment. Congress had better remove him before he starts tossing the nuclear football. Yes, they claimed he had a cold, but he can’t use that to hide behind his abysmal performance. He came across as an old man suffering from dementia. Normally that should draw sympathy, but Biden is president and it draws alarm. Joe spoke hesitantly and inarticulately. He relied on telling lies that have been disproven over and over again. There were times when he lost his train of thought entirely, resulting in an embarrassing word wreck. He could often be seen with a blank stare, as if there was nobody home. He didn’t blink for long periods of time.

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    I didn’t think Trump was at his best—I kept thinking of retorts he could use with great effect, but he definitely won the debate regardless, and compared with Biden he was a master orator. Trump came across as a competent leader anxious to get the job done. Biden came across a confused, vacant, elderly man who was waiting for his next ice cream cone.

    The low point of the debate occurred when they debated their golfing abilities. That was absurd considering many Americans can’t afford to pay the bills. None of us can afford a nuclear war.

    Biden is toast—that’s the end result of the debate. The Democrats can no longer hide the fact that Biden is incompetent. What, are they going to claim the Joe we saw at the debate was a cheap deep fake? They need to pressure Joe into stepping down. He’s not just old and incompetent, he’s downright dangerous to our country.

    After this post was written, news broke that Joe Biden will not step down, and is committed to a second debate and four more years. Get ready for President Jill Biden.

    — Ben Garrison


    A.F. Branco Cartoon—Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre asks you not to believe your lying eyes during Joe Biden’s years of stumbling and mumbling through his presidency. She even tries to put a positive spin on his debate with former President Trump.

    Karine Jean-Pierre Furious as Unedited Clips of Biden Freezing Up and Being Led Offstage by Obama Spread Like Wildfire Online — Calling it a ‘Cheap Fake Video Done in Bad Faith’ (VIDEO)

    During a press conference, DEI White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lashed out at conservative media outlets for circulating what she described as “cheap fake videos” of Joe Biden looking old, feeble, and senile.

    The controversy centers around a video clip that went viral, depicting Biden being led offstage by Barack Obama after freezing up at a Democratic fundraiser.
    The video is the third one from last week that shows Biden either being frozen or wandering.
    The Hollywood Reporter’s Chris Gardner posted a video that went viral of Biden briefly applauding the crowd. He then stood frozen until Obama grabbed him by the wrist and led him offstage with a hand on his back.

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