Took a stroll through Google asking how many habitable planets are in our one galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy. Not the whole Universe, just our little galaxy, and the estimates range from one billion to 60 billion habitable planets.

This wide range of guesses is caused by Ignorance, for one, because no one really knows. Also because what one scientist calls “habitable”, another calls uninhabitable. A lot of advanced life forms on Earth live in conditions we couldn’t survive.

The average of the guesses is 30, of course, and 30 billion is still a lot of Earths. No Earth is going to be sterile, they’ll all have developed life forms on them. We did, way back when conditions for life here were terrible for life. Life is tenacious and persistent so let’s take it as a given, just for drill, that there’s 30 billion Earths in our galaxy with advanced life forms.

That doesn’t mean they’re all intelligent, but the longer life evolves on a planet, the more intelligent it becomes. If you want a reference to validate that, try Earth. So of those 30 billion, it’s reasonable that most of them have either highly intelligent critters on them or have wiped themselves out with wars.

Now, our galaxy is on a collision course with the Andromeda Galaxy, and will begin merging with it in 4 or 5 billion years, long after humanity has come and gone. It also probably has many billions of advanced life forms today but probably none will be left by the time the galaxies begin merging.

AND MY POINT IS, life is common, life is short, and from a distance we must look like a bunch of red and black ants busy killing each other and everything else we can attack. We don’t matter to anything. Only to our tiny little selves and it’s GOOD to step back once in a while and have a little humility. We aren’t alone, there’s billions of other races, exploring the cosmos, expanding, evolving, decaying and dying, and the passage of time will erase us all.

Importance is all in the mind.


Acheta is the name of powdered crickets, bug powder that is now being added to some food products.

“In 2018, a European study examined 300 insect farms and found parasites in 244 of them. At 30% of those farms, they found parasites that may carry diseases to humans”.

The powder is made up of actual cricket protein and ground up exoskeleton, called chitin, which is inedible and you might be allergic to it. Since bug powder is an unregulated industry, there is no way at all to know just how much of the acheta in your food is protein and how much is chitin.

Crickets are about 10% inedible chitin and 65% protein, at a rough average. I assume the remaining 25% is other organic compounds and water. The powder itself is expensive, as much as $60 a pound depending on quality.

So if you want to risk eating diseased parasites, then Bon Appétit, monsieur. Otherwise, you better start checking the ingredient lists for the word “Acheta”.


Out shopping and cruising the Internet, I see it all over now. Young people and those who pretend to still be young are wearing the crappiest looking clothing possible, to some of the best places.

It’s like a competition to see who can put on the ugliest, and I do mean Fugliest apparel. Women in red boots with dark green skirts and purple sweaters, with lots of weird drapey chains or ropes or whatever hanging around their necks, denim pants with patches and doodads sewn onto them and mismatched halter tops, blouses and/or sweaters, screwy looking hats….

Saw a woman in a black and red dress with a big skull pictured on the front. UGLY. Guys in hideous, logo covered tee shirts and hoodies and torn blue jeans. Prosperous people wearing this Goodwill dumpster crap.

Poor, color blind and illiterate is the New Look.


I had eye surgery several days ago, for removal of a cataract. Still can’t see like I used to but it ‘s a lot better than it was a couple days ago. It reached the point where I could hardly see anything out of my right eye.

The left eye is fine. It also has a cataract but it’s barely there and I can see clearly with it at night, even in the dark. In fact, it seems to have gotten better instead of worse, though I read on all the eyeball sites that this is impossible. In any case, I’m not in a rush for another operation to fix the left eye. Not as long as there’s no problem with it.

Besides, I want to see how well my right one heals up before I even consider surgery on the left one. I can almost read large print with it now, vision has become clearer in the 48 hours since the surgery and hopefully will keep doing so.

Everyone gets cataracts if they live long enough, at least now we have options instead of just going blind. Being blind would be hell. I mean, how would I make coffee in the morning? You gotta have coffee in the morning.


After our Ministry of Jobs (plagiarized from 1984″ ) told us about 750,000 new jobs that had been created in our nation that has just let in over 12 million unvetted migrants, it all turns out to be a Big Lie. The jobs don’t exist, never did.

What’s really happening is that our economy is collapsing under the weight of too many people who draw from the Federal welfare system and contribute nothing except more crime, costing taxpayers more $billion$, while spreading diseases that had been eliminated in this country.

Nothing happens overnight, and I personally don’t expect to see a sudden repeat of the Great Depression. What I do expect and am seeing now is an increase in poverty, directly because of rising wages and the corresponding increase in prices for everything.

A huge portion of our population can’t pay those increased prices. This has a lot to do with the increase in homelessness. When someone who makes $500 a week has their rent increased to $400 a week, there’s not enough left to eat and put gas in the car.

The only way to decrease unemployment is to decrease the number of unemployed. Send them back out of the country, along with all the non-citizen migrants who are working, and free up those jobs for citizens. It wasn’t too long ago that our industries were booming and they needed more workers but there weren’t enough to fill all the jobs. Now we have tent cities within our cities, filled with the jobless. This is no accident, this is the bringing down of our system, on purpose.


“Saudi Arabia will not renew its 50 Year ‘Petro-Dollar’ Agreement with the United States as it moves toward a BRICS Alliance, essentially ending the West and U.S. dollar dominance.”

“In 2018, leaders from the BRICS Alliance met, including Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Five years later, South Africa’s Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor announced that other nations, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico and Nigeria, wanted to join BRICS.

BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and is an economic alliance similar to the EU but does not have a common currency. Just as a side note here, watch for BRICS to change their name as more nations join.

As long as the Saudis did their oil trade in dollars, the OPEC nations and others followed suit, but with Saudi Arabia now about to switch over to the Chinese Yuan, OPEC, at least, will certainly follow, which ends the Dollar as the world’s primary monetary unit in global trade. BUT, this doesn’t end there.

Specifically, just for one major example, this move spells the end of Israel as a nation, because while religions and politics are mighty forces, it’s ECONOMICS that drive the world. India and China are mortal enemies, constantly fighting over territorial boundaries, and yet they’re both partners in BRICS. The USA and China are also mortal enemies and continue to trade heavily with each other in spite of knowing that they may go to war.

With the Saudis adopting the Yuan, it’s a given that they’ll join BRICS and the rest of the Mideast Muslim nations will follow. Since they all hate Israel, the time will come when the Shias and Sunnis unite against the Israelis once again, and with the backing of Chinese and Russian weaponry plus all the vast armaments that the US sold to the Saudis and with a few nukes from Iran and possibly Pakistan, tiny Israel has no chance.

The Muslims will never stop until they drive the Jews out of the Middle East. They just won’t.


They’re getting the Bird Flu ready to release on the world. “A top doctor has spoken out to warn the public that bird flu has been weaponized in bioweapon labs to make the virus more transmissible between humans.” This is now being spread to farmers, and so far is called a “lab leak”. The same as the Wuhan Lab “leak”?

Bird Flu is also known as Influenza strain H5N1. It’s still the Flu, which is constantly mutating naturally into new strains, and some can be pretty deadly, which is why the bio weapon labs are so involved with it. It can be increased in ability (gain of function) to be more contagious, do more damage, attack specific organs, increase symptoms and the speed of onset, and so on.

It’s another sort of “covid”, which all forms of Influenza are.

This is obviously to help ensure that the coming massive deaths will happen, will happen as rapidly as possible, and will provide a focus to point most of the blame at. Last time, even those dead of heart attacks were claimed to have died of Covid, and this time they’ll say it was Bird Flu. The reality is that all of them will die of the mRNA injections.


The world’s top virologists began saying this soon after the mRNA shots started being pushed onto the people of the world. Now it’s come time.

They said that the shots will kill people. Lots of people. Billions. Look at the chart below of Jabs given, over time. The first big peak was June, 2001. It is now June, 2004, 3 years later. If the people quoted below are right, and there appears to be no reason they aren’t, at least half the population of the world is going to be dead no later than June 2027 and it starts now, because they all give a time period of 3 to 5 years from the time of being injected.

Chart courtesy of

As Slay News reported, Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill is among the world-leading experts to issue warnings to the public.

Prof. Cahill, a world-renowned immunology expert, warns that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots “will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection.”

Additionally, billionaire Bill Gates’s former vaccine advisor recently blew the whistle on a coming “wave” of “unprecedented deaths” among the vaxxed, as Slay News reported.

Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation scientist and immunology expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warns that countries around the world will soon experience a “completely unprecedented” population plunge. Bossche predicts that the death toll will be “up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries.”

A world-renowned professor who drafted America’s laws on bioweapons has signed a sworn affidavit asserting that Covid mRNA shots are “weapons of mass destruction.” Dr. Francis Boyle is a Harvard-educated law professor who drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act. The landmark legislation passed both houses of Congress unanimously.

It was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on May 22, 1990.

Dr. Boyle has now provided a signed affidavit stating that Covid mRNA injections violate the law he wrote. Boyle asserts that “COVID-19 injections,” “COVID-19 nanoparticle injections,” and “mRNA nanoparticle injections” are bioweapons and weapons of mass destruction.

The very same man who wrote the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act that is FEDERAL LAW, says that the JAB, the mRNA “vaccine”, is a Weapon Of Mass Destruction. Who would know this better than him?



NATO has disclosed its preparations to deploy American troops to the European frontlines in the event of a full-scale conflict with Russia.

“NATO Strategizes Swift US Troop Deployment via Land Corridors in Face of Russian Threat”.

This is why the Russians said this:

RUSSIA: POLAND IS A CANDIDATE FOR NUCLEAR WAR” “Russian political scientist Konstantin Sivkov made the remarks on state television as he described how Poland “could become a small theater of nuclear war.” “If we allocate 2 nuclear missiles to each city, that’s only 30-40 missiles. This is just a salvo from one Iskander division.  In 10-15 minutes, both the state of Poland and the Polish people disappear. Europeans must understand this.”

Russia keeps telling everyone that they’ll use nukes if NATO, the EU and the US make war against them.

In the “Cannon Fodder” article, I wrote ” A new proposal by Hudson Valley Congressman Pat Ryan, called the ‘Courage to Serve Act’ would allow qualified and vetted migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they serve in the military.″ and I explained that this is why so many foreign men of military age have been coming here. Our government put the word out to them in preparation for war with Russia. They just haven’t been telling us this, here in America.

Russia and China have a military alliance, the same as the NATO nations do, and when US troops move over the border of Ukraine into Russia, they’re going to be fighting hordes of Chinese along with the Russians.

This is the Globalists at work, reducing the population by blowing up millions of people while destroying farmland and infrastructure at the same time. Wars bring famine and disease, which kills millions more. Especially when the diseases have been especially created in bio labs to be highly contagious.

They achieved the big contagion factor with their modified “Gain of Function” Flu virus they renamed Covid, that didn’t kill a lot of people but it spread like wildfire. Now they’ll make it really deadly and spread it again, and blame it on the war. At least, that’s my guess.

I would also expect attacks on our southern border, by “migrants” from Russia and/or China and very possibly one or more large drug cartels, EMP attacks, sabotage of our infrastructure, whatever the Cabal thinks would keep us afraid and obedient to their orders.

I’ve also said that the Ukraine war was a setup, said so repeatedly, even though I wasn’t sure what we were being set up for. Now it’s coming clear. More war.