The author of the post I’m linking to here is religious, a Christian and what I call a “Jesus freak”. But, outside of his superstitious beliefs, he says exactly the same thing I’ve been saying. This either proves that even some religious people can see some reality, or else it proves that I’m a nut.

It’s a long column, it’s like reading a couple years of my posts all condensed into one, and we’re almost totally in agreement with each other. I’m posting this link because it’s the first time in all this time that I’ve come across anyone else who sees the reality of what’s happening as clearly as I feel that I do.

Other than his stuff at the end about God and Jesus, the person he thinks will actually be made President, and his hedging about the attempt to kill Trump and not saying right out that it was our government that did it, which it was, other than that we’re together on everything else.

He thinks it will be Obama’s tranny “wife”, Big Mike, who will be the next President Puppet. Maybe. I don’t know, personally, but we’ll see.


Huma Abedin, the woman who was married (and they’re still not divorced) to Anthony Weiner, the rising political star who was showing his weiner to little girls on the Internet and got sent to prison, is engaged to marry Alex Soros, the son of GEORGE SOROS, the billionaire who’s been doing his very damnedest to corrupt the American legal system by financing the election campaigns of Communist state Attorney Generals, the people who decide who to prosecute for crimes and who not to.

Huma was on Hillary Clinton’s political staff for years, including when the Hildabeast was Secretary of State, as well as when she ran for President.

This reeks of a power union conceived in Hell and spawned in the sewers of Rangoon. When the world’s most powerful and evil copulate, it’s never a good thing for the rest of us.


Dan Bongino says this was a setup to kill Trump, that the Secret Service agents have been told “If you want to keep your jobs, keep your mouths shut.” He’s talking to Donald Trump Jr, Tucker Carlson and another person I don’t recognize, at the RNC building.

The Internet is on fire with witnesses to this government attempt to kill Pres. Trump, from vendors there and Secret Service people to hundreds who came to hear Trump speak. “They left a clear line of sight to kill Trump.” “Rep tells CNN assassination attempt was intentional.” Here’s another, and another, and “Secret Service now under investigation”, and another…

This was too obvious, too blatant, too sloppily done, too much evidence in plain view, too many witnesses, too many videos. The US Government did this and everyone knows it.

When they stole the election from him and us, they waited until the early dark morning hours and covered the windows of the counting rooms with cardboard against the darkness outside and anyone trying to see what was going on inside. But this, they did in broad daylight in front of ten thousand people and everyone saw what was going on. There was no cardboard blocking this view, of a man with a rifle on a roof with a clear view to shoot. Everyone saw him including the Secret Service agents, who were ordered not to shoot him until he shot first.

Everybody knows. The pictures,videos and testimony of witnesses are all around the world. They can deny all they want, but everybody knows.