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“The 2025 Presidential Transition Project paves the way for an effective conservative Administration based on four pillars: a policy agenda, Presidential Personnel Database, Presidential Administration Academy, and playbook for the first 180 days of the next Administration. (Copyright Heritage Foundation)”

The Heritage Foundation is the Conservative Right’s answer to the Liberal Left, and Project 2025 is their effort to swing the USA government back to the right again. Put another way, it’s a large group of very wealthy people who see their fortunes and power being eroded by the activities of the Left and seek to limit and/or reverse them.

The Heritage Foundation has it’s own equivalent of the WEF’s “Young Leaders” college and seminars, which is the Presidential Administration Academy, where those destined to become political appointees and members of a Conservative president’s cabinet are trained in their responsibilities and general doctrine.

The Leftist media has been claiming that Project 2025 is about destroying democracy with a dictatorship. This is a pretty good joke, since that’s exactly what the Left is doing now, so if the Right does it too, that seems fair to me. Checks and balances, it’s called.

What I REALLY see all this as, is two factions of the same Globalist Cabal competing with each other for positions of power, and what that tells me is the obvious, that they are not all in agreement yet on their agenda, the best courses of action to take or in who or what group should be fully in charge.

Don’t mistake this big show of separate political parties as being real. It’s not, it’s all just entertainment, like the shows in the Roman Coliseum and for the same purpose, to take attention off the Emperor and how things are being run.

Keep in mind that Globalism is a concept of government, a philosophy, there are variants of thought within it that will always be evolving, and this process is still in it’s youth. The forces within it have global impact when in play, as they are now.

The real danger to the world, and by that I mean us proletariat, The Powerless, also referred to as The Common People or The Masses, (never forget how they see us) is if these Elitists can keep a rein on themselves in their lust for power. Because they don’t much care what happens to the rest of us as long as it doesn’t affect them in a negative way.

Never forget that all the talk of the politicians about how they want to help us and do good things for us is all total bullshit. Every one of them wants to help themselves and do good things for themselves at our expense. When a government endorses a policy of prosperity, it’s not to enrich us, it’s to enrich them and increase their power in the world. We just benefit as a necessary side effect.

Now the die is cast, as the expression goes, and the internal war of the Globalists in America has begun. Gird your loins, another good expression for what may be coming next.


I watched Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention tonight, and while the narrator, in between the various speeches preceding Trumps, described him as being more humble from his brush with death, I didn’t hear much of that from Trump when his turn came to speak.

He told the crowd that God was on his side, and referred to those supporting him as “Trumpers”. Trumpers? Really?

Things seem to be taking a different turn than what pretty much all of us expected including me. I still don’t know if the Cabal is going to kill him or not, of course, I’m still not sure if he’s “taking a dive”, like the boxer expression, and made a deal with the Cabal, or really what the Hell is going on now.

Because almost everyone that backed Biden a week ago is now throwing him under a freight train. When Evil Chucky Schumer says he wants Biden gone, you know the wind has seriously changed direction and turned arctic cold. So Biden may be gone by the time I wake up tomorrow morning, but if not, it looks like soon. Then what about Cackling Kamala Harris, will they put her up as their candidate? Not likely even though she sure wants to be the next Puppet President.

If Biden is booted, they’ll pick some other likely male politician as the Cabal candidate for Puppet over Kamala, I’m pretty sure of it.

Then, either the election is stolen again and the Cabal Puppet “wins”, Trump is elected and plays along with the Cabal, or he doesn’t and is killed and his Vice Pres. becomes Cabal Puppet because he was a two-faced traitor all along. No, I’m not saying he is, that’s just my third possibility.

And you know, as twisted up as this all has been the past nearly 4 years, I may be wide of the mark on all my guesses. All I can really say is that it sure is entertaining to watch.