The news just hit that Biden won’t run for re-election, “Bombshell News”. Bombshell, my ass, my porch plant knew this was coming. They don’t want Kamala to be their next puppet nominee, so of course Biden will stay in office until his term expires. If he left early, then they’d have to use her, but this way they can choose anyone they want.

And…. there’s big talk of putting Hillary up again. Personally I doubt they will, she just has too much baggage, all the rotten shit she’s done in and out of office, she really should be in prison.

This drama is starting to unfold for me. I said last post that this is all theater. It is. Now some guy with a video camera has posted a photo of Trump that shows a white line streak near him and he claims that its a bullet. No, it’s Photoshop and I can prove that. Yet the media has leaped on this bogus picture and said, Yes, Yes, It’s The Bullet.

Oh, the DRAMA. Trump is nearly killed, he is SO dramatically posed with a bloody ear, he waves his fist in the air with blood on his face, and shouts his defiance. Is this one of those Roman gladiator movies? Looks like one. He just had to sacrifice a small piece of one ear for the sake of believability. He had a Brush With Death. He is now Humble, and Closer To God, just listen to him talk about God if you don’t believe me. God God God. He will be the Great Uniter.

Then he’s nominated by his party, gives the longest speech ever, many Democrats praise him (no shit. Democrats, praising the guy they reviled a week before), the MSM saying Good Things About Donald Trump, (isn’t that AMAZING?) who selects as his Vice Pres. running mate a man who reviled him two years ago, called himself a “Never Trumper”, and is closely allied with the top Globalists.

The cherry on top is Biden announcing what we all knew was coming anyway, that he wasn’t running again.

If all this doesn’t smack of TOTAL BULLSHIT for the American public to suck up, then nothing ever does or ever will.

I told you, repeatedly, that the only way Trump could become President again would be for him to be in bed with the Globalists. Now Trump will the Great Uniter to Bring The Parties Together, which they already are, they’re the fucking UNIPARTY. Only Trump will sell us on this great convergence, this marvelous agreement and casting aside of differences on “both sides”. In other words, to bring us all under full control of Globalism.

Oh. One other thing. It looks like my guess may be wrong, Kamala Harris is being backed by the Globalists for President Puppet. I really didn’t think she would be, but that could still change, too.

UPDATE: Biden is home supposedly sick with Covid. It would serve Harris well to assume the office of president now due to Biden’s sad demise, and I expect the announcement of his death within the week. Unless she’s going to be thrown under the bus, of course. Then they would want Biden to stay alive and in office and will present their preferred candidate at the coming Dem. Nat. Convention. This is what’s meant by “Politicians eat their own”.