I posted the other day “A Conspiracy Theory” that the Trump shooting is a hoax, and just deleted that post as now, I’m not so sure. A photo posted by one of the photographers who was there at the rally shows the brief instant Trump’s hand is fully open as he pulls it away from his ear, and there is a spot of red on the top edge of his hand, just below his thumb.

So something hit his ear and it was probably a bullet. It barely clipped him, did almost zero damage, and he blew it all out of proportions with saying “I felt a bullet ripping through my flesh”. Yeah, right. You felt a teensy little bite, you soft, protected rich man. But okay, it was a very close call. I had bullets go by my head once, it does get your attention.

So now I have to backtrack because an actual assassination attempt by our government needs a fresh perspective. Of course the assassin was another Lee Harvey Oswald “Lone Gunman”, but isn’t it interesting that the water tower was in a direct line behind him and people are swearing they saw someone on top of it. Memories of a Grassy Knoll in Dallas come to mind.

So they really did try to kill him. Okay. This means that he won’t go along with the Globalist program, which then means that he won’t be the next President, because he refuses to be their puppet.

This leaves them only two choices, kill him or steal the election again, and the easiest way for them is to either kill him before the election or let him win it and then kill him, because this JD Vance that he chose as his running mate, his Vice President, is a Globalist in a very thin disguise. Vance, as President, will make a wonderful Globalist spokesman and puppet and finishing the job of subverting our republic will zip right along.

In fact, I bet they’d much rather have Vance in the job than Kackling Kamala Harris. She’s one of The Squad, that gaggle of Communist and Muslim Far Leftist Congressjerk extremist women who are outside the Globalist mainstream, she speaks out of turn, says inappropriate things and jumbles words worse than Biden.

I think they’ll let him win first. Imagine his gloating, his speeches, his promises, the parties and parades, all for public consumption, then he dies and the outrage, the demands for justice, the Leftists and the Rightists rioting in the cities, the fires and destruction, the grand funeral, the days of national mourning, while Vance is sworn in as the new president and promises to carry on in Trump’s footsteps while planning to do exactly the opposite, and everyone keeps believing that we still have two political parties. Oh, the THEATER of it all.

And in the aftermath, thousands of people who rose up on the Right will be arrested and imprisoned and perhaps disappeared as the Pogrom begins to rid America of its Conservatives, just like Chairman Mao did. Too farfetched? I don’t know, maybe. Maybe not. Look at all the people still in prison without charges, which is absolutely, totally Unconstitutional, over the J6 “insurrection” in 2020.

They did it then and they can do it more, now.


Had a thunder and lightning storm about ten days ago and now fires are breaking out all over the place from lightning strikes. When lighting hits an old tree it sometimes starts it burning down inside, and it can take it a week or two before it erupts in flames and sets everything around it burning.

And of course we have prevailing winds out here that get blowing pretty hard, and it’s been hitting 105 degrees most days, which is goddam hot and DRY, so now there’s three big fires surrounding me, all within ten miles or so. Ten miles is nothing to a forest fire in a wind, so I’ve been packing up my most valued items to load in the car.

Zone 2, Be Prepared to Evacuate, is only a few miles away, that can turn into Zone 1 any time, making my area the new Zone 2.

It would really piss me off if my house burns down.