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Doctors warn of alarming 3000% /30 times increase in unexplained child deaths from heart failure. A thirty times increase.

A comprehensive study by leading pediatric scientists confirmed that the unprecedented surge in heart failure among children is caused by Covid mRNA shots.

Additionally, vaxxed children are 13,633%/137x more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who didn’t receive an mRNA injection. One hundred thirty seven times more likely to die.

The data shows that children who received the shots are 4423%/45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children. Forty five times more likely to die.

“Vaccinated” children are dying of heart failure thirty times the rate of the unvaccinated, 137 times faster from the Flu, and in total, Forty Five Times the rate from any cause.

Not long ago I warned you that all those virus experts were saying that we are going to see a wave of deaths from the Vax shots that will keep getting worse. The evidence is coming in more and more to prove them right. Younger people, especially, are dying while doing the active things they do, playing sports or just playing, while those rubbery grey clots grow in their veins and arteries, come loose, and plug up their hearts.

If you took even one of the Jab shots, then you need to do what you can to rid your body of the spike protein bits and boost your immune system.


We don’t know for sure yet but the general word going around is that Fuckjoe Biden will hand off the job to Krazy Kamala on Monday. This makes the most sense if the Globalists want to keep up the appearance that the democrat party has a viable candidate for the next fraudulent election.

If she replaced Biden now, she’d have about 4 months as The First Woman and Black Woman President Ever and would have had time to do presidential-looking shit before the election, so that when they rip off the election from Trump for a second time, it will at least look a little legitimate.

So Kackling Kamala is my current bet for the democrat candidate for White House Puppet. Now the question is, what sort of creature are they going to put up for HER running mate, the future Vice President? Don’t forget the popcorn.


If Israel falls, the West falls. Geert Wilders: “Israel is Europe’s last stand against Islam”

For those with long memories, Geert Wilders is the Dutch politician who has been speaking out against Islam for many years and whom I’ve been reporting on for about as long. In this article he makes clear why Israel is so important to the rest of the world, if we don’t want to be overwhelmed by the horrors of Islamic rule.

Geert never quit in spite of many death threats against him and the frequent need for police protection. He’s battled Left-wing Netherland politicians to a standstill and has finally risen to a top position in the government, and formed a solid right-wing party to bring his nation back from the brink.


A vast library of music is stored on my computer and I’m listening right now to a carefully selected list of semi-country songs of bands that sprang up out of the Hippie Revolution from the folk music protest songs that themselves were a reaction to the Vietnam War.

From the Kingston Trio to Peter, Paul and Mary, the songs changed and progressed and then Bob Dylan came along, and suddenly Janice Joplin and the Kozmic Blues, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin, Doors of Perception, Quicksilver Messenger Service, all Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco.

Giants of music who rose to fame, some much higher than others but all were Greats. A few yet live, most passed on years ago. Janice Joplin, that tiny person with the giant voice, had a genetic disease and chose her own way out instead.

Old music now that you never hear anymore, except maybe a Beatles song on the radio sometimes. Which is why I keep it on my computer. The longer you live, the more memories you have, and my best ones are all connected to the music I love.