Israel has just informed not just Iran but the world that the Russians don’t have a monopoly on killing their enemies, no matter where they are.

The wiping out of that monster, Ismael Haniya, in Iran with a bomb hidden in a guest house sends all sorts of messages. They can find where you are right down to where you’re standing. They don’t care what nation they offend in dealing with their enemies and they aren’t afraid of any retaliation.

That’s a lot. It should make people think. It makes me think that maybe they have something special that gives them this courage, because for all their constant internal squabbling, when it comes to warfare these people have it together. Their military technology is at the leading edge in the world.

Iran has sworn to retaliate with a direct attack on Israel. They already tried that once by sending over 300 missiles and drone aircraft at Israel, of which only 3 made it through and caused one casualty, the injuring of a little girl. All the rest were shot down by Israel, France, Great Britain and the USA, resulting in a massive humiliation for Iran that may push them to a major attack.

The “error” in failing to stop a missile that killed 12 Druze children was the excuse to kill the Hezbollah leader in Lebanon and Hamas leader in Iran. Yes, excuse. It was allowed to strike and explode for the same reason the Hamas murders of 1200 people was allowed to happen, to give Israel the national unity it needed to finally go to war. Iran’s second attack will have to kill a lot of innocent Israelis this time and that may be allowed to happen, too, as then the world would have to accept Israel’s right to hit Iran hard. Israel needs Iran to launch a second and seriously brutal attack, to justify a war with Iran that will harm and kill a lot of civilians in the process.

A final thought on this, for this post anyway. All this is happening right at the time that Iran now has or is on the verge of having at least one A-Bomb. This may be a prelude to a war for regime change in Iran, to put an end to this threat. Certainly the Saudis would love it.