Ever wonder what all those immigrants are eating, when you’re out looking for your pet dog or finding it strange that the local forest is so silent?

When the last Ice Age receded in Europe and the Americas, so did the populations of mastodons, wooly mammoths, giant sloths and other succulent, tasty creatures, as they fed the growing populations of hunter-gatherer tribes of humans. It was probably the extinction of such large quantities of meat on four legs that resulted in the practice of herding smaller animals and forming stationary communities.

In China, where famines have come and gone so many times, it’s now an ingrained practice to eat almost anything that moves. People will eat dirt and grass in the effort to stay alive.

Perhaps it’s because no one wants to talk about this, that the disappearance of wildlife isn’t being discussed, but that doesn’t stop it from disappearing and the laws regarding the taking of wildlife are meaningless to empty stomachs. The same is true of pets and livestock.

Immigration is driving extinctions. Why do you suppose so many people are leaving the Third World and moving to the First? It’s because they’re HUNGRY. When you read about population movements, you’re always told it’s because of wars, and that’s partly true, but most of them are just looking for food.

This is happening at the same time that the US government and those in Europe are steadily decreasing the availability of food. Land is being taken out of cultivation, millions of food animals slaughtered because of some “disease”, massive chicken farms suddenly burning to the ground along with food processing plants and exploding fertilizer plants, while farmers are being overburdened with restrictive laws and taxes in the names of “carbon” and “methane” and the wheat fields of Ukraine are shut down from war.

Right now the nations allowing all these migrants in are feeding them, while the cost of food at the market keeps rising. The end point is obvious, governments will run out of money to keep buying food that keeps getting scarcer and more expensive to feed the growing number of migrants, while the native population is finding itself less and less able to afford the food that is scarcer and more expensive… because of the migrants.

When the governments stop feeding the migrants, my personal expectation is that all Hell is going to break loose, with the riots, burning, looting, shooting etc. .

Bear in mind that all this apparent stupidity is planned, for the same reason that children are told they can change their sex, and of course become sterile, infertile, in the process. By now I shouldn’t need to explain the Globalist agenda.