Just read that Crazy, Cackling Kamala is to be the “Democrat’s” choice for the next Puppet In Chief, having secured more than enough delegates. We may freely interpret this blather to mean what it really does, that she’s to be the Uniparty’s replacement for Joe Biden.

Questions are raised. The first, of course, is What about Donald Trump? As I’ve said repeatedly, they won’t let him be president unless he accepts the Globalist agenda, and even as egocentric and desirous of the Presidency as he is, that’s just not likely. His original goal was to be America’s Greatest President Ever. That was angrily snatched away by an outraged and antipathetic Uniparty and now they even nearly managed to put a bullet in his brain to stop his incessant rallies. Any sane man would take the hint.

I think he’s trying for a second time just for the glory of it because he is truly brilliant and he must know what he’s up against better than the rest of us. But the only way to avoid another, and perhaps successful, attempt on his life is to tone the rhetoric way down, since he will never be allowed to be US President again to again assault the Globalist agenda.

Old age often brings on a religious fervor not often found in the young, who know they’re immortal and don’t think much about a possible Afterlife. They do if they live long enough, though, and I can’t help wondering if Trump wants to be a martyr and live forever in history. That scene, fist raised, “Fight, fight, fight”. Defiance to the end? He is saying “God” a lot more lately.

Anyway, it looks like the die is cast. What Kamala does as “president” shouldn’t concern anybody, she’ll do as she’s told. She has worse gaffes than Joe does so at least we can look forward to a little honesty in government from time to time, even though unintended.

3 thoughts on “HAIL TO THE PUPPET”

  1. https://grrrgraphics.com/kamala-krash/

    Kamala Krash

    Cartoon published 08/06/2024

    Trump’s return can’t come soon enough. Wars and rumors of war are rife. The stock market and crypto were beaten down. Jobs are dwindling. The borders are wide open. Drugs, crime, and homelessness are rampant. People can’t afford a home and they can barely pay rent. Inflation is everywhere and we are no longer energy independent. The blame for all of this can be laid squarely at the feet of the Biden/Harris administration.

    Then there is DEI and cultural Marxism. Kamala loves to explain ‘equity’ in her nasally sing-song voice, but if one parses her word salad the meaning is clear. Equity is communism. She and her ilk are working to bring it to America and it will spell disaster.

    There must be a mad scramble to delete videos featuring Kamala and Joe bragging about the success of Bidenomics. The ‘Green New Deal’ and spending billions senselessly on war has brought us to the doorstep of recession—and it will get far worse if Kamala is elected.

    Kamala talks about falling out of a coconut tree, and she wants to land in the White House. That must not happen.

  2. https://grrrgraphics.com/chicken-mala-harris/

    Cuck A Doodle Doo

    Cartoon published 08/04/2024

    Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he was ready to debate Kamala Harris on FoxNews—and with an audience present. This was unacceptable to Harris, who insisted Trump stick to the agreement he had with Biden and show up on ABC, with heavy moderation and no audience.

    Kamala then went on to say Trump was ‘running scared.’ Her comment was absurd, especially considering the fact that Trump was nearly assassinated and yet still stood up and waved his fist in the air. Most people would have allowed themselves to be quickly ushered off the speaker platform to search for some clean shorts.

    It’s Harris who is running scared. Without a teleprompter she crumbles into bizarre word salads. She’s incapable of coherent speaking and falls back into sing-song 4th grade-level rhetoric.

    Trump terminated the ABC debate after Biden dropped out. Harris doesn’t deserve to be calling the shots on the next debate. She wasn’t even elected in a primary and had she ran she would have been soundly beaten. Trump, as former president, has more stature than an unelected nominee—someone who dropped out of the 2020 race due to terrible poll numbers.

    She also knows Trump can’t appear on ABC because of a conflict of interest. Recently we found out a judge refused to dismiss Trump’s defamation suit against ABC News and George Stephanopoulos, who claimed on air that Trump had “raped” E. Jean Carroll. The case against Trump was conducted by an anti-Trump judge in an anti-Trump city with an anti-Trump jury. There was no evidence of any of the allegations from the anti-Trump Carroll, but he was found guilty anyway. Stephanopoulos engaged in blatant slander.

    Regardless, Harris is the one running scared. Biden spent most of his 2020 campaign in a basement. Harris needs to be in a basement too. She has a horrifying record as Vice President and can’t speak without creating endless word salads. She’s a chicken and a liar—and if there is a debate she will lay an egg.

    —The GrrrTeam

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