Back when the “Pandemic” was released, same time that the Flu season miraculously never happened, and we were told to “social distance”, wear masks and by all means we absolutely must get the mRNA shots or be fired from our jobs, and have a shot card to prove it that was a direct violation of our Constitutional right to medical privacy, and yes, I can rant on for hours about this…..

A few brave doctors told us that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine would cure us of the Dreaded Covid19 Disease. Our government and the WHO quickly responded by claiming that Hydroxychloroquine was fish tank cleaner and poisonous and people who took it died, and that Ivermectin was “Horse medicine” and “Horse goo” and not fit for humans and you could overdose and blah blah blah.

I immediately ordered a buttload of Ivermectin Horse Goo from Amazon while it was still cheap and I take a dose of it once a month. I’m 85 now and I haven’t had a sick day since 2020, because besides the bullet list below, courtesy of Slay News, it also cures most corona viruses. That includes the flu and most cold viruses. Covid stands for COrona VIrus Disease, by the way. The 19 is 2019.

  • cancer
  • myiasis
  • trichinosis
  • malaria
  • leishmaniasis
  • American trypanosomiasis
  • schistosomiasis
  • bedbugs
  • rosacea
  • asthma
  • epilepsy
  • neurological diseases
  • HIV
  • tuberculosis
  • Buruli ulcer

Cancer. It cures cancer, and this has been known for awhile. “Our findings indicated that IVM was capable of suppressing tumor metastasis, which provided the rationale on exploring the potential clinical application of IVM in the prevention and treatment of cancer metastasis.”

Everyone should read this article.