Iran has just warned any and all Arab nations that it will attack any that intervene when it attacks Israel. It obviously upset them that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates all shared intelligence with the US about Iran’s previous attack plans on Israel. I wonder if they think this will actually frighten those nations into compliance, with this hollow threat.

If Iran were to attack any of the other Arab states, every nation on the planet with the means to inflict harm on Iran would leap into the fray against them, because it would stop the flow of oil out of the Middle East and wreck the world economy.

The Ayatollah and his minions have painted themselves into a corner. Their miserable failure in their last attack on Israel was embarrassing enough for them but the assassination of Haniya left no room to back out amd now they have to retaliate, but threatening the other Islamic nations to stay out of the fight is the surest way to bring them over to the side of Israel.

The Saudis have heavily armed themselves and could probably wage a successful war against Iran on their own if they chose to, and Iran is their avowed enemy, which is why they were happy to give information to Israel and the US. All those nations know that Iran’s current leaders want to dominate the entire Middle East.

So now they have only two choices, either push the button and attack Israel and anyone else who fights them, or walk in shame back across all that wet paint. If they attack it will very likely be the end of ayatollah rule in Iran, and so will a walk of shame, which might weaken them enough for the people to rise up and take their country back. The people are sick and tired of this religious dictatorship and the women, especially, would love to go back to wearing Western clothing again. Don’t underestimate the power of that.