Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland said yesterday that even if Trump somehow gets the popular vote, that Congress will stop him from taking office. Raskin is pretty prominent among his political fellows, so if this were a departure from their communal thought, we’d sure be hearing about it. Especially from “the Other Side”.

Yet the only squawk I can find is from a Charlie Kirk podcast where he calls this “Dangerous talk”. One thing that it’s not is dangerous talk. Raskin was simply speaking the truth. He wasn’t threatening or prophesizing, he was stating what he considers to be a fact, and he’s certainly in a position to know about this.

It must be a considerable chore to rig an election. It’s so much simpler and easier to have candidates that are all controlled, all on the same payroll, so to speak, and let the people have their free elections. Then there’s no need for candidates to raise huge sums of money or to assassinate undesired hopefuls. Once everyone is on board with The Agenda, then you only need to select those who you want to run against each other and let the people decide who they like the most, because it won’t matter. They can all make speeches about what they’re going to do for everyone and how they’re going to fix things, and have a lot of fun doing it, holding rallies and putting on a big show of democracy.

You see, this is why they keep saying Trump is a danger to democracy. Once people like him are no longer able to run for office, then they can stop rigging elections and let the people choose. See? Free elections. Democracy.

Donald Trump has been made a bad example of political behavior ever since he spoke out against the election theft. The few who stood up for him were prosecuted and persecuted, those who rallied in D.C. were sent to prison on made-up charges and many are still incarcerated. He’s had a string of political/criminal trials with 36 felony convictions and massive fines designed to wipe out his fortune, and restrictions to prevent him doing business. He was nearly assassinated when all that didn’t stop him, and he still hasn’t quit. Can you imagine how pissed off and frustrated they are? I think they’re going to squash him like a bug, destroy him, his family and everything he owns so utterly that the fear of emulating him will become part of our DNA.

This is not about Trump, he’s merely the Poster Boy for what happens when you try to fight the agenda. He’s the skull and crossbones on the bottle of poison and they’re going to make damn sure everyone knows it.