A steady increase in the governmental repression of freedoms is happening all over the world and at the same time, the development of weapons of war is advancing dramatically, with drones, faster missiles, AI autonomous weapons and much more.

Killing people isn’t the real purpose of war anymore, all the death is secondary, It’s to build weapons that do so and make fortunes from their manufacture while emptying the treasuries of those nations who want the weapons to fight an adversary.

Killing off quantities of people will be accomplished by other means. A deadly disease can be built in a lab now that targets specific Han Chinese genes, for instance, and no doubt there already is one or one is in the works. The same is true for, say, Swedes, or native Hawaiians, the human race can now be selectively depopulated.

Humanity is finally moving beyond The Bomb in it’s ability to wipe itself out in the name of eradicating unwanted others, and we will soon leave the concept of massive infrastructure destruction behind in favor of gene-specific diseases.

This may be the real reason behind the developing of vaccines that can be made part of food or otherwise ingested. If you want to protect certain segments of your own population, whom are now very resistant to being injected, put it in the food in their markets, put it in the local water supply, spray it as an aerosol from aircraft, and of course make fortunes doing so.

Power is population control and whoever controls the most population, has the most power.

Another world war would make this impossible. The infrastructure must be functioning. Power grids aren’t just machines and wires, they’re globally networked cooperating centers of authority as well.

This is how the war we’re in now is about to be fought and the group that ends by having the most power on a depopulated planet will be the group that forms the Global Government.

Meanwhile, have a wonderful day.

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