I was just watching some videos of what gangs of masked Muslims are doing in England. They’re attacking people on the streets, going into pubs and attacking the people in there, and the police are helping them do it.

This is what happens when the people are disarmed and prevented from defending themselves. Then you can do any fucking thing you want to them and they can’t do a thing about it except get beaten to death or run and hope to hide.

Our government will be vigorously coming after our guns soon, the warnings are being issued by the so-called “democrat candidates”, aka future political appointees, now. So it’s time to look ahead at some of the consequences.

The thousands of gun shops across America will be put out of business along with the gun manufacturers. Obviously, the government will want to be first in line to get all those guns, and they have options. They may pay the shop owner what they say is a fair price for the guns and simply take them if the owner refuses the offer, or they may just swoop in and take them all without offering any payment first, and let the owner fight in court for compensation.

Savvy gun shop owners will see this coming and start having sales at cheap prices to get those guns to the public before they get taken away, and at least get some money back from doing so. Same with ammunition.

After the citizenry is disarmed, and severe punishments start being handed out on those found with guns, watch the knives come out, and bows and arrows, and spears. The new laws against having anything even remotely resembling a weapon will come out right after. People will be encouraged to snitch on each other, and they will. Guess what that will do to an already enraged society as the snitches are hunted down and killed. Taking the guns away won’t make us all safer, taking the guns away just opens the way for the most violent among us to be more violent. If you think the crime in Chicago and other big cities is bad now, wait until honest people can’t defend themselves any more.

Most of the police are useless now, they sit back and watch or else encourage the mayhem.

This change is coming to the USA just as it already has to Europe. They’ve imported millions of violent black people. We’re still doing the same plus we already have a population of millions of violent people, mostly black.

But in the meantime, do have a wonderful day.


Aristotle said, “There is no great genius without some touch of madness” and many others have agreed with him in the centuries that followed.

Today we have two geniuses, Elon Musk and Donald Trump, getting together to make Trump the US president once again. They’re doing so in spite of the fact that the entire US Congress is against him along with -almost- the entire US court system and all the Attorney Generals, the Dept. of Justice, and the completely corrupt US voting system that’s now in place along with the entire Main Stream Media.

In the effort to dissuade him from pursuing his ambitions, he’s been repeatedly prosecuted, found guilty of 36 made-up felonies, sued for hundreds of $millions, and shot at, by a bullet that grazed him and nearly took his life. Still he persists.

Now he’s joined by the richest man on Earth, whose fortunes are almost entirely dependent on the good graces of the US government, which can shut him down using the completely dictatorial and arbitrary methods it now commonly employs.

I can see Trump being this crazy, but Musk? What in the hell are they doing? Am I missing something here?