Aristotle said, “There is no great genius without some touch of madness” and many others have agreed with him in the centuries that followed.

Today we have two geniuses, Elon Musk and Donald Trump, getting together to make Trump the US president once again. They’re doing so in spite of the fact that the entire US Congress is against him along with -almost- the entire US court system and all the Attorney Generals, the Dept. of Justice, and the completely corrupt US voting system that’s now in place along with the entire Main Stream Media.

In the effort to dissuade him from pursuing his ambitions, he’s been repeatedly prosecuted, found guilty of 36 made-up felonies, sued for hundreds of $millions, and shot at, by a bullet that grazed him and nearly took his life. Still he persists.

Now he’s joined by the richest man on Earth, whose fortunes are almost entirely dependent on the good graces of the US government, which can shut him down using the completely dictatorial and arbitrary methods it now commonly employs.

I can see Trump being this crazy, but Musk? What in the hell are they doing? Am I missing something here?

3 thoughts on “OVER THE LINE?”

  1. https://grrrgraphics.com/kommiemala/

    Lipstick on a Commie

    Cartoon published 08/16/2024

    Kamala Harris wants price controls to combat inflation. Price controls never works. It creates shortages and black markets.

    Apparently Comrade Kamala and Chairman Walz haven’t learned the lessons of history. It has been tried over and over again, but socialism (and communism) have always failed. The perpetually giggling Kamala wants us to become Venezuela. That way she and her party can have absolute and permanent power. Who does she think she is, a female Castro?

    Walz spent his vacations in communist China. He even spent his honeymoon there—similar to Bernie Sanders getaways to the old Soviet Union. Walz once drove 95 in a 50 MPH zone while drunk. He was arrested and his mug shot shows him wearing a communist Chinese worker’s hat, similar to the one worn by Chairman Mao. Yet the far, far, FAR left Walz is considered to be presidential material by the Democrats.

    The Democrat Party is on tilt and the Democrats are already feverishly pushing Walz and Kamala toward the center. If by some great misfortune they are elected, they will quickly revert back to the commie kooks that they are.

    1. It’s not Kamala who wants price controls, it’s the Cabal. Price controls are part of dictatorship. Australia has price controls, has had them since the 1960’s that I know of and probably long before. It’s a Socialist state, which is saying it’s a Communist Lite state. Price controls allow the government to tell you what you charge for products, what wages you will earn at any particular job, what rent you must pay. The government controls every aspect of the economy, and thereby controls every person’s life. This is why Black Markets spring up, to get around the price controls, and why governments deal very harshly with them. Because black markets reduce the government’s power.


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