NASA scientists, going over old Rover data, have discovered that Mars has a huge ocean of liquid water, but it’s 7 to 12 miles below the surface. The estimate is that there’s enough water to cover the surface of the entire planet to a depth of a mile. The problem is, how do you reach it, and after you do, how do you bring it up? If gas pressure has accumulated down there as well, the way it has on Earth, then potentially just drilling down to it might be sufficient to have it rise up a good ways or even come all the way to the surface, but that’s just speculation on my part. If there’s any heat left in the planet’s core, that could provide the needed pressure, as well, from steam.

If Musk does establish a colony on Mars, he might just want to take a copy of his Boring Company along with him, to tunnel down to the water. If anyone can find a way to bring the water up, it would be him.

The farther out we go, the more we find. Life just keeps getting more interesting all the time.