5 thoughts on “YOU GOTTA SEE THIS”

  1. Sir, you need to know this BOMB:


    American Journalist Glen Greenwald (friend of Edward Snowden and linked to Wiki Leaks) LEAKS AUDIOS and TEXTS from Cell Phones WhatsApp of two investigators working for Supreme Federal Court (STF) and Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) talking about RIGGING INVESTIGATIONS and FAKING EVIDENCES against JOURNALISTS who support former president Jair Bolsonaro — obeying orders of their chef Alexandre de Moraes: currently serving as president of the Superior Electoral Court and as a justice of the Supreme Federal Court. Yes, he gathers BOTH offices.

    De Moraes’s presidency of Brazil’s Superior Electoral Court and certain actions he took during the 2022 Brazilian general election has made him the target of several conspiracy theories by former President Jair Bolsonaro and his supporters.



    1. Yes, I’ve been reading about this tyrant. Today Elon Musk withdrew the services of his X social media platform from Brazil after Moraes threatened to imprison his Brazilian employees.
      Things are going this way all over the world. It’s Globalists, Ernesto. This isn’t little local tyrants or even national ones like Lula and Chaves. This is happening everywhere. Our elections are just as corrupted, along with many other nations, all being drawn into the Globalist net. Protect yourself and your own, don’t worry about politics, and watch out that if you vote, that vote won’t land you in some concentration camp, or prison, or worse.

      1. Exactly.

        Just for conclusion:

        The same day Elon Musk withdrew the services of his X social media platform from Brazil, guess WHICH COUNTRY returned its EMBASSY in BRAZIL?

        The same one where 10% of population is incarcerated in concentration camp, or prison, or worse.

        NORTH KOREA.

        Yes: since 2003, from the start of Brazilian Socialist Regime ruled by president Lula, my country is one of that few ones making diplomatic relationships with the Communist Kim Jong Dinasty.

        1. Oh, that’s not good. If Moraes has truly become dictator of Brazil and he’s invited N. Korea in, that means only one thing, that he intends to buy rockets and A-Bombs from Kim. He wants to make Brazil into a nuclear power and probably wants to turn the country into a hell similar to N. Korea. You need to get rid of that guy, and quickly.

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