Hezbollah, the terrorists who have taken over Lebanon, have released a propaganda/terror video showcasing the massive network of very expansive tunnels they’ve carved out under the cities and fields of Lebanon, and the rocket launchers within the tunnels that have powered doors, like silos, that open to the sky so they can be fired at Israel.

With a purported 150,000 missiles, fleets of trucks in the tunnels to move them to the launchers, and an unknown number of launchers, they could rain destruction down on Israel for months.

In building this massive hidden network of destruction, the terror organization has proven that they’re both industrious and capable. They have created a weapon to attack Israel that is almost impossible to defend against. They’ve also proven how very shortsighted they are because the operative word here is “almost”.

If you were being buried under a missile assault of a thousand, two thousand, three thousand missiles a day and there was no end in sight, and you had atomic bombs, how long would it take you to answer this threat with nuclear retaliation, if that were your only recourse? Because end it, it would.

Iran created Hezbollah in Lebanon and continues to work hard at finishing the construction of their atomic bombs to attack Israel with, now they need only perfect the triggers, it’s said, and it’s obvious that the attack by Hezbollah is waiting on Iran’s completion of their A-Bombs so the two can attack in unison. It was apparently also part of the plan that Hamas would join in this combined attack, except that Yayah Sinwar, Hamas leader, grew impatient and launched the attack that resulted in Israel going to all-out war with them. He expected Iran and Hezbollah to join the fight, but instead he not only upset their timing, he forced Israel to join forces politically against all of them.

I’ve long expected that it will be Israel that uses the first nuclear weapons since 1945, because the forces building against them can only be stopped by the use of them unless other nations join in, and very quickly, not to just be in defensive mode as the US, France and the UK have been so far, but to actually attack Iran and Lebanon.

Iran says that they will block the Hormuz Strait if attacked, and stop the oil shipping, and they can. This is why they haven’t been attacked and why the US doesn’t want Israel to attack them.

However, Israel has an oil pipeline extending from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, that can transport over a million barrels of oil a day to tankers safely situated in the Mediterranean from Saudi Arabia and the OPEC states, totally avoiding the Strait.

So it’s a choice. Let Israel be destroyed along with that pipeline and Iran controls all the oil shipping while continuing to build nuclear weapons, threaten all the other surrounding states and establish their Shiite caliphate, subordinating Sunni Saudi Arabia and the OPEC states, or aid Israel in taking down the Islamic regime in Iran. It’s not much of a choice for anyone, is it?

Their problem is that all those Islamic states hate Jews and Saudi Arabia is home to possibly the single most rabid form of Islam, the Sunni Wahabbists. They’re the ones, if your memory serves, who forced 15 little girls to burn to death 22 years ago when their school caught fire, because they couldn’t reach their head scarves and weren’t permitted outside without them. How likely are these people to side with the Jews over even their Muslim enemies like the Iranians?

So unless the USA/France/UK militaries do more than take a defensive posture in the coming battle, my bet is on Israel employing their nuclear arsenal. No one is going to nuke them back with the possible exception of Pakistan, and if they did, Israel would retaliate and India might take the opportunity to join in the fray. There’s zero love lost between these two, Pakistan would lose and they know it, so I see this as unlikely.

It is because of Israel’s ability to use nuclear weapons to ensure their survival that might, I say might, bring the offensive forces of at least the US to bear against Iran and their Hezbollah proxies, because when the point is reached, Israel will inform them that they’re about to use that arsenal. If the US waffles and tries to make Israel wait, the result will be the same as when they were told to stop bombing Gaza and stop fighting Hamas. Israel isn’t going to wait while they get annihilated.

What we’re doing now is waiting for the other shoe to drop. Iran needs a regime change and soon. This war cannot be avoided, only the use of nuclear weapons can.

One thought on “ABOUT ISRAEL, AND WAR…”

  1. Complex game.
    Complete perspective.
    And everything makes sense.

    Another Geopolitic analysis

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