If you read my posts then you know my position regarding election fraud in the USA, that the elections are just for show, the position of President is merely a front, to be a mouthpiece for those who are actually in charge.

So it doesn’t actually matter, I just thought I’d point out, as others are beginning to do also, that Kamala Harris is a raging alcoholic, much like Nancy Pelosi. The difference between the two is that at least Nancy still manages to maintain focus. Kamala gets hopelessly lost when she tries to say anything, to make some sort of point or talk about an issue, and she ends up laughing like a braying mule.

I bet the Secret Service people assigned to her know some interesting things about the way she smells and things she puts in her mouth, and I’m not referring to sex. Drugs seem to be big with that crowd these days, I mean, when the SS stumbles across cocaine in the White House…..

I think that Kamala is being made the next “president” because she’s such an embarrassing mess. Why else do it? There’s plenty of possible candidates of imposingly serious demeanor who could give a very passable imitation of a functioning and capable President, unlike Kamala. But with Kamala, it’s very clear that she’s not in charge at all, Big Brother is and this is a very effective way to get that point across.

This is also a chilling reminder to the rest of them in D.C. that they’re all just puppets dangling on the end of Big Brother’s strings now.