Reuters news service reports that this insane drunkard now has over a $billion in “donated” election funds but fails to report who donated all that money. At least half of it is from the war chest accumulated for Joe Biden before he dropped out, however.

The idea that enthusiastic supporters are flooding this blithering beast with money is ludicrous, it has to be coming from the secret funds of the CIA and probably other government agencies, and the reason for it is not that it will be spent on political ads and rallies, because it won’t be. Most of it won’t be spent at all. After she’s given the election through fraud, it will be returned to the agencies who sent it.

The purpose of having all this money out there is to give the impression that she has far more popular support than she does, and to provide an excuse for her “winning the election” after she’s made President.


The decision will have to be made soon whether to militarily attack Iran’s leadership and wipe them out in order to instigate a regime change, or allow them to finish building their nukes and start using them.

The people were a lot happier under royal rule. They didn’t like the Shah because he was supported by America and they were conned into believing that America is The Great Satan by Ayatollah Assahollah. Remember him? This one is no different. The last one put an end to women’s freedoms and a lot of the men’s freedoms and started executing a lot of people, and the new one has carried on this tradition of religious oppression with a vengeance. Now I bet they’d give anything to have the Shah back.

So if the leaders can be bumped off and their military organization defeated, the people would leap to establish a secular government.

Of course, China, Russia, the Saudis, the EU, UK, USA and anyone else with a sack of marbles would immediately try to dominate the country. The most likely scenario is that a peace pact is formed with the Saudis and OPEC and they send over some sort of UN-style Muslim peacekeeper force to help keep order.

Iran is Shia Muslim, Saudis are Sunni Muslim, and are basically enemies when they’re not attacking Jews or other innocent people. So the Saudis have a real interest in having some say over any new government in Iran.

But then, so do the Israelis and they’re a major force in the M.E. and that means that the US Navy is going to be hanging around for a long time yet to keep things from getting out of hand, after Iran is pacified. If they’re pacified.

It’s decision time. Not in the next 5 minutes or maybe not in the next 5 weeks, but the closing bell has sounded on the last talks with Hamas, and with that I expect Israel to ramp the war right back up again with massive attacks on the Gaza Strip and very likely on Hezbollah in Lebanon, and more assassinations in Iran, that Iran will respond to. It’s just too obvious that this can’t go on.