The price of fast food has reached levels that are bringing the Age of McDonald’s and the rest to a close. The average price of just a Big Mac now is $5.30 and rising. “Happy Meals” cost $10 -$12. A family of four are paying about $50 for what is basically a junk food meal, and it’s the lower income people who mostly eat there. This in a time of high unemployment and runaway inflation, with food prices being some of the most heavily affected.

Poverty and homelessness are increasing as the Third World people keep streaming in by the tens of thousands monthly and government largess in keeping them fed and housed will run out unless they keep printing more money to pay for it, thus increasing the rate of inflation in the process.

As the population becomes poorer, through unemployment and inflation, food rises in importance with the lack of it and people start doing desperate things to get it. Like flash-mobbing stores. Do that to a store twice and the store closes. Then there’s even less access to food, which doesn’t end this problem, it worsens it.

A lot of retail stores are closing down because rising inflation brings more than just increased prices for goods, resulting in lower sales volume, it also brings rampant theft, from shoplifters to snatch and grab gangs.

This is greatly benefiting Amazon, eBay and lesser online venues, many of which are enjoying sales growth because they have no stores, so no shoplifting other than what their employees might sneak off with. But it’s destroying Macy’s and Old Navy and the others who rely on walk-in trade. Walmart is now in competition with Amazon, along with Lowes and Home Depot. Buying online is cheaper for most items, as well.

It’s easy to see where this is going. Those who have secure jobs and income will shop online and patronize local businesses less, and the local businesses will shut down, increasing unemployment, poverty and homelessness. Industries will be well guarded while urban centers will become warrens. A primary source of hot meals will be the traveling food vans and those small carts propelled by motorcycle, bicycle or hand, selling hot dogs, tacos and so forth, using whatever meat they can obtain. A reminder, they eat dogs in China.

Our government has gone to great lengths to burn down food production facilities, fertilizer plants, chicken ranches and egg farms and shut down beef production and has been very successful at it while bringing in millions of unemployed, mostly unskilled hungry young people. If you think this isn’t a crisis beginning to explode now, you should take a closer look. What do you think is about to happen? The police are overwhelmed now, the stores get robbed, they take a report and forget it, the stores close, as Walmarts are doing, so where do all those street people get a meal? Try to picture a million immigrants suddenly faced with starvation in the middle of Los Angeles.

Welcome to the Third World of city living. You can see it now on the streets of our cities. Taco carts, gang rule, plastic tarp tents, zero sanitary facilities, a powerful stench and lots of trash and litter that no one ever cleans up.

Now add riots, burning buildings, gun and knife fights, home invasions, dead bodies piling up and no police to be seen. This situation is what our government has been deliberately creating. Chaos for a purpose, to create the reason we need total government control, and of course, we’ll eagerly want our government to stop the havoc. Hell, we’ll demand it.

And there we’ll be. It will be “1984”. If you never read the book, now’s a good time.

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