The UN consistently finds Israel at fault regardless of the issue and this is because much of the UN now has been taken over by Islamic nations which are at total religious odds with Judaism. A little less so with Christianity, but all other religions are considered heretical regardless.

Nations in the United Nations generally side with the rest of the Muslims when it comes to issues that touch on religious dogma, but they didn’t always. The UN used to be dominated by Christianity but this has changed as governments worldwide have become steadily less democratic and steadily more controlling. Christianity represents peace, the lion laying down with the lamb. Islam represents submission to the state, total control, fear, war. No peace, so it’s much more in tune with the direction of governments now, most of which see total control and submission to the state as a good thing.

The UN behavior to the Jews is what gets the most attention, but it’s more important to look ahead at what this means for the rest of the world. Fortunately, the UN has devolved into an almost powerless organization, mostly because their attempts to dominate the affairs of everyone else has caused member nations to collectively ignore their constant dictates. Thus the Islamic takeover of much of the UN is less of a threat and more of a harbinger of a global trend toward more repressive governments.

Islam seeks to dominate the world, and as governments become more repressive to keep control of expanding populations that bring with them increased poverty, dissension and unrest, the harsh methods of control through fear employed by Islam become increasingly attractive, even if Islam itself does not.

This is why Islam is being allowed to flourish in so many nations now. No doubt those in government think that they can control it but so far that isn’t working out for them too well. Islam can’t be controlled. It can only be submitted to or destroyed.

Of the over 8 billion people in the world now, about 1.5 billion are Muslims. This is about the same population as China, which hates all religions and especially Islam. Then there’s the massive population of Muslim-hating Hindus in India as well. In a war between Muslims and non-Muslims today, the Muslims would lose. Islam is such a hateful, self-destructive creed that it’s only their high birth rate, common to very poor people, that keeps their numbers up. If their birth rate declined they’d go extinct from being killed fighting unbelievers when they weren’t busy killing each other.

A global Islamic government would fail. If they were able to kill off every other religion and every other Islamic sect except one, that one would split in two and the two would battle to the death, and while they were doing it a new religion would arise. Basing a government on religion is doomed by it’s own nature and ultimately, humanity must leave all religions and beliefs in the supernatural behind, to succeed in world government.