The Big Scare is upon us yet again, with warnings that the Killer Disease of Monkey Pox, now abbreviated to Mpox, is spreading across the globe.

Is it? Do we care? Let’s take a good look and decide. Almost all the cases of it are in Congo, Africa. “In 2024 alone, the DRC has reported over 17,500 cases and 517 deaths”. “out of 18,910 reported cases in 2024, a staggering 94%—equivalent to 17,794 infections—originated in Congo”. Only six of all the reported deaths in Africa from this disease happened in other nations than Congo. That’s not exactly a big concern considering there’s 54 nations, 2 independent states plus a few territories and a population of 1.4 billion.

The death rate in Africa from Mpox is 3.9%.

Mpox is spread by physical contact, like HIV, and is contracted mostly by homosexuals, who then spread it to others, children especially from the reports, and no, I don’t know if sexual contact is involved. There have been a few cases outside Africa, spread by people traveling from Congo, but these are quickly isolated and treated.

There’s also a vaccine for Mpox and large amounts of it are being sent to Congo, but not enough yet. There’s about 1.4 billion people in Africa now and they all need to be vaccinated against Mpox. Mpox is related to Smallpox and the vaccination of Americans for it ended in 1972. Those born before then and vaccinated are also safe from Mpox.

So. Do we all need to rush out and demand an Mpox vaccination from our doctors? I’m over 55 and have the vax scar to prove it. I’m not homosexual and I don’t hang out with homosexuals or people recently arrived from Congo or rub my flesh against that of strangers. So I’m not worried and if you fit anywhere within that, you probably shouldn’t be either and should pass on it if you’re offered a Mpox vaccination. Just my opinion.

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